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Complete Mind Fuck
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   Psychonaut619. "Complete Mind Fuck: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp47277)". Jun 19, 2007.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Alright, well, I guess I should start this trip report with a little background. I'm pretty experienced with drugs I would say, having smoked pot, done coke, meth, morning glory, DXM, lots of pills, and other drugs that aren't really coming to mind right now. These days, however, I don't really do drugs at all, I only smoke pot on occasion. Now, I have had some experience with psychedelics, but never that much because of the fact that I've always had trouble getting them. This experience completely blew my fucking mind out of whack. Onto the story. .

This was my third time smoking salvia. The first time I smoked 12x and felt nothing, the second time I was completely fucked up on coke and weed and salvia all at once, and then this experience. I must say, it was fucking intense.

I got to my friend M's house that day and told him to bust out my salvia that he was holding for me. I proceeded to smoke a bowl out of his bong and almost immediately felt my world warp. I remember sitting in his chair and turning around and seeing a picture of Stalin on a binder of his. For some reason I found this insanely funny and could not stop from turning around and looking at it, turning back around looking at him, and repeating this over and over again. I must have done it at least 40 times.

After I lost interest in Stalin I started staring at my friend, who for some reason I thought was a Swedish school bus driver on a mountain lane. I was actually seeing him driving a school bus down a mountain lane. I have no idea what sparked this idea in my mind, but I was convinced that that was what he was. He also seemed somewhat cartoony.

A little while later I asked him for another bowl of salvia, and he packed it for me, but I was scared. I thought that the first bowl was extremely painful and I thought that it would hurt to smoke this next one (I have no idea why), but finally got the balls to do it after debating with myself.

I hit it, and suddenly, my world was warped even more. I don't really remember initial thoughts, but I remember the weirdest hallucinations. Not just visual or auditory, but tactile and gustatory. I felt as though God himself grabbed from behind with his gigantic, mighty hand and slammed me against a planet that appeared to be an extremely large orange. Once He slammed me against the planet I felt and saw him either scraping me against the planet or using me as a razor to shave the planet, but while He did this I felt as though half of my body existed within the orange planet, and half of it outside. I felt the planet penetrating my soul. These were the tactile and visual hallucinations, but what I found to be the weirdest was this: I could taste the planet. . . and it tasted terrible.

After all this happened I started coming down. I laid on my friend M's bed and waited to come down, and did after about an hour. I felt very tired and lazy and in general not very good for this period of time, but once I came down completely I felt perfectly normal.

One thing I do have to say about the visuals are that they were there but they weren't. That is to say, I saw them, but almost as if I were watching reality and my hallucinations were laid on top of it, kind of transparent. I was there but I wasn't.

I must say, this drug is very, very, very weird.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 4,510
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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