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Feelings of Wellbeing, Slight Euphoria
Loperamide (for oxycodone withdrawal)
Citation:   majtom. "Feelings of Wellbeing, Slight Euphoria: An Experience with Loperamide (for oxycodone withdrawal) (exp47314)". May 3, 2016.

40 mg oral Oxycodone (daily)
Loperamide High

This is not something I would recommend to anyone to do for experimentation. There are VERY real dangers with taking too much loperamide. Intestinal blockage and rupture is a very real possibility.

My reasons for using loperamide have varied over the years, but obviously I generally use it for diarrhea as most do. Part of the reason I get diarrhea is when the body is adjusting to opiate withdrawal or cessation. Since opiates will constipate me, once off of them the body has to re-adjust and diarrhea usually follows.

Overtime I had used more and more loperamide. Then I read that loperamide is an opiate itself. However it doesn't break the blood brain barrier so it is rarely abused. In this case I will report on using it to allay withdrawals from opiates.

To begin, I take percocet 10mg without tylenol 4 times a day. That is what I'm supposed to take, however there are times which I have taken far above that much. In doing so I will run out of percocet a week to 2 weeks before my next refill. Now most people know how to get more, and I have done the emergency room trips and second docs before. But not anymore. I have decided if I run out, tough. Deal with it. There are a few ways of averting the withdrawal though. To be honest, the withdrawal isn't nearly as bad as it used to be when I first started using percocet. This is one year and 2 months now and it only takes about 2 to 3 days to get over the main withdrawal. Most of which is just general tiredness and mild depression.

It takes some time to get my body used to large doses of loperamide. I can't take what I've taken without building up to it.
It takes some time to get my body used to large doses of loperamide. I can't take what I've taken without building up to it.
I would take 10 2mg loperamide tabs. Then wait 3 days minimum. It's advisable to have at least one bowel movement before taking it again. Then I would increase to 12 2mg tabs, and increase by 2 tabs or 4mg every time. At about 20 tabs or 40mg I began to notice a similar feeling I would get on opiates. The feelings of wellbeing, slight euphoria. It was also at this time I would feel some bone pain, altho very mild and not bothersome. I also would have some abdominal pain but this was brief and not bothersome and expected.

I decided to continue increasing every 4 days (remember that means I'm only taking the tabs once every 4 days or more to allow a bowel movement before trying again) by 4mg or 2 tabs. At 26 tabs the euphoria was more pronounced. I was surprised even more that the feeling of wellbeing lasted almost 2 days. At my last attempt I was at 30 tabs and have decided to stop there. The feeling of being on 60mg of loperamide is comparable to being on percocet at 20mg to 40mg. The euphoria is pleasant and the feelings of wellbeing last a long time. Over 38 hrs usually. I will say that there is increased bone pain or a feeling of bone pain that is probably not very good. However it was never painful enough to not continue. To date I have used 60mg loperamide doses - 4 times. Each time was good experience. However remember that I gradually built up to this. I'm not sure this would work for anyone else, and the risks involved may outweigh the benefits. This was a solution that worked for me because loperamide can be bought over the counter and is fairly cheap. Walmart brand has the tiny caplets ( which are easier to swallow ) at a quantity of 96 for $7.99 US. In some cases I get an extra bottle of 96 free for that price bringing me to 192.

As a minimum, a few loperamide tabs ( possibly 10? ) will alleviate most withdrawal symptoms of opiate withdrawal. I won't get high, but I wont feel that bad. Again don't try this without knowing the risks. I have had no problems with my bowels so far, but I might with continued use in this manner. I am only providing this as a study in what my usage has been.

Also, one thing that might turn most people away is that the onset of desired effect takes several hours before I feel it. Typically 6 to 8 hrs before I feel the effects. Also, when taking this I was on no other medication or supplements.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47314
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2016Views: 30,493
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Loperamide (459) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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