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Beware of the Job Interview
Citation:   Andrilla. "Beware of the Job Interview: An Experience with LSD (exp47460)". Jan 7, 2010.

2.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This is a funny/not-so-funny at the time story I just wanted to share just in case any of you decided to be a daredevil and go to a job interview while trippin' balls!!!!

I was 16 years old and had experimented with quite a bit of drugs by this point, considering myself a veteran. This included : LSD (20+?)times, shrooms, meth, crack, coke, weed, Special K, and X. I had a job interview that day at a large chain store. I had tripped the night before so I decided to double the dose and go to this interview (obviously I wasn't too serious about the job). I new it would be boring so what the heck? It was a interview and training session in which they would go over everything one needed to know about being a prize employee :)

Right before I left my house I dropped 2 1/2 hits (about 10:00 am), doubling the dose because I had tripped the night before. To the interview, I was told to bring my driver's license, social security card, and references, the usual. My mom gave me a ride and told me to call her when it was over. That's when I first felt it kick in. I felt energized and a little nervous (I always get this weird perma-grin when I trip as I headed into the store. This particular store was attached to the mall so the only entrance to the actual store was right inside the mall. I went inside and headed to the manager/employee section in the back.

I was fine at this point (actually smiling to myself thinking how cool I was). Then I started tripping just as I walked into a small room with a T.V., a long table, and folding chairs that we would all be training in. I went in and waited for everyone to get situated. This was about 10:45 and I was starting to trip HARD!! I was still just chillin', when someone I knew from school walked and sat across from me and said hi. The manager asked for everyone's I.D.'s and SS cards. I went to reach for mine... and that is when the panic started.

I realized I had left my I.D. in my room at home. Under normal circumstances this would not have been a big deal... I raised my hand and told the manager what happened. She suggested I go call my mom and just have her bring it over. I left the room trying not to freak out. It did not cross my mind to use the office phone so I headed through the store and down the mall to the pay phone. As I walked through the store everything was a blurrrrr. I was tripping HARD. I thought everyone was looking at me like I was a freak and imagined how strange I looked. I started to sweat and panic, walking faster and faster down the mall. I was wearing high-heeled shoes and my feet kept slipping off them because they were so sweaty. I finally reached the pay phone and called my mom stammering to her about what I needed. She said she would bring it when she picked me up. I walked back to K-MART, still freaking out but feeling a little better. I saw clothes, people, lights blurred and throbbing. Everyone was staring at me. I got back to the room a little flustered but was able to calm down when we started to watch some video about catching people shop-lifting.

Then it was time for the questions. The lights came on and we were randomly asked questions about the video. She asked me one and everyone looked at me. I did not comprehend what she was saying, whatsoever, so I look at the table and said 'ummmmmmm.... I am going to have to pass.' Everyone looked at me strangely, including her, and I started to drip sweat. People were looking at me really weird and all I could think about was how strange I probably looked to them and how I had to get out of the room. The table started swirling into a lake and I politely removed my elbows, pen, and papers from it... She asked me another question and I just said some strange thing that made everyone look at me again... I have no idea the question or reply.

Finally, it was over. Time for the one-on-one interviews in the managers office. We patiently waited for our name to be called, one-by-one. I was trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. That's when the guy I knew asked me, 'are you okay? you seem sort of weird.' Oh no, I thought, he knows!!! I just stared at him, he looked like the evil guy from the first Mask movie. FREAK!! Just then my name was called and I raced out of the room, knocking over my chair in the process-I did no bother to look back.

The manager's office was in a tiny white room with florescent lights blaring and a small desk. She asked me to sit in the seat across from her to ask me some questions. I was sweating, my eyes were DIOLATED like mad, and her face was completely distorted to the point I couldn't even tell what she looked like. She asked me some questions, of which I don't remember, while I tried not to run. And then... I was hired!! WOW!!!! I can only think that they needed help really badly or that there are a lot of freaks who apply for jobs there.

Anyways, story of the moral (I know I said that) is: DON'T GO TO A JOB INTERVEIW ON LSD!!!! And remember your Social Security Card.

Exp Year: 1997ExpID: 47460
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 7, 2010Views: 6,659
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LSD (2) : Difficult Experiences (5), Workplace (51)

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