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Good Enough
Methamphetamine & Heroin
Citation:   Drew Down. "Good Enough: An Experience with Methamphetamine & Heroin (exp47493)". Apr 21, 2006.

  IV Methamphetamine
    IV Heroin
Ive never slammed speed before, but heroin, I have. Into water, I dissolved about a 2 inch line of crushed up meth. Separately, but likewise into water, I cooked up a healthy issue of heroin, dropped cotton into both and withdrew each into the syringe. Since I hadn't slammed speed yet, nor the two together, I felt the safest method of injection was intramuscular; allowing for a slower release into the bloodstream and ultimately my CNS.

About 20 minutes later I began to feel increasingly alert, no doubt the meth doing its thing, and within minutes following, the warmth of the euphoric onset of diacetylmorphine(Heroin). Beads of sweat began to appear through my cross-eyed vision on my nose and upper lip. The BATTLE between the depressant and the stimulant was in full effect. No bizzare thoughts or illusions of grandeur came to mind. No intense desire to wake up my sleeping roomate and begin an in-depth conversation with him about the ongoing situation in Iraq. But damn did my upper chest itch. All in all, I suppose it was good enough.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 21, 2006Views: 26,901
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Methamphetamine (37), Heroin (27) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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