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Almost Too Much To Handle
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Citation:   The Adam. "Almost Too Much To Handle: An Experience with Hydrocodone (Vicodin) (exp47495)". Feb 8, 2010.

40 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
About a month or so ago a friend of mine came across (stole) a number of generic Lortabs. Each of which was 10 milligrams of Hydrocodone. 10 of these were sold to me for the mere price of a dollar apiece. Having overdosed as well as underdosed while experimenting with pharmaceautical opiates, I pretty much knew how much to take and what to expect. Note: By overdosed, I don't mean a drug induced coma, I mean throwing up severely and passing out everywhere.

I received all of the pills at the beginning of fourth period, roughly 10:50 am. And proceeded to take four of them a little while after. I had no build-up/tolerance prior, and almost nothing in my stomach. I had skipped breakfast that morning, but I thought nothing of it.

11:15 - Washed each pill down with a sip of water.

11:35 - Began to feel 'good,' for lack of a better word. My head was beginning to feel unburdened from the work load and that gummed-up thought process due to not having enough sleep. Thoughts became clearer gradually.

11:45 - The clear thought feeling was very pronounced. I felt very warm and comfortable. I was feeling unusually sociable and happy as well, I was unable to suppress a smile from my face, everything made me just so giddy. The euphoric effect was beginning. This is also the point where I began to feel difficulty concentrating, sexual side effects, and mild nausea.

11:50 - The bell rang to go to fifth period. I was having slight trouble in coordination, all effects were becoming very pronounced. I exited the room and walked down the hallway to my locker. The books felt heavier, but it wasn't a difficulty, and as with most other irritating things, I was completely happy with it. 'Eh, it's my fault for gettin dosed. That poor little bookbag can't help it. Bless his heart.' I was saying and thinking the goofiest things, and each of those thoughts was hilarious to me. Socially, in the 7 minute period between class change. I was very good-natured and had such a great outlook on everyone. I took great pleasure in being with my girlfriend for a moment or two. And I expressed that very unusually. I saw her and smiled (more than already) and ran up and hugged her and twirled her around. I kissed her in front of all my friends. She loooved it, I felt guilty for my only doing it when I was on drugs. But it exemplifies another aspect of the drug: reduced social anxiety. I felt like everybody loved me, and if they didn't, it was all good.

12:00 - I made my way into fifth period algebra.

12:05 - Everything was calmed down and I began to realize how fucked up I was. This is mainly due to the sterile white wall setting of classrooms that make me feel higher than I would elsewhere, IMO.

12:20 - I felt like I was beginning to peak and this is when things got heavy. I was beginning to have spells of nausea. For 10 minutes or so I would have slight stomach disruption. Then I would be fine for a little while. It still wasn't enough to ruin the high. But as for my head, the only way I can describe the peak experience was a swirling sensation. My head was just moving around, swirling, warping. It's very hard to describe the feeling. It was visual too, the world around me was warping. My head was very burdened, there was no way I could ever concentrate. The good feeling was almost weighed out by these overwhelming sensations. I was very unaware of my surroundings, I am very lucky I never had to participate in class that day. I had no thoughts at the time of the world around me, the talkative thing was gone, and I was becoming slightly worried about my health, wondering if I was gonna throw up, or god forbid, black out. In retrospect it was very neat, I don't really recall how I felt about it at the time other than what I've said, because at this stage of the high, my memory really doesn't serve me.

12:50 - I had gone through an hour of this, and the good feeling had returned, the whole swirling thing becoming less pronounced. The nausea went away after the swirling effect had disappeared. The nausea was still there, but it wasn't enough to hold my attention.

1:00 - Lunch time. My dumb ass decides to try to take down a bag of Reese's Pieces. I was very enthusiastic about eating them, thinking 'God damn! These things are good! Man, I shouldn't say GD. What if I get smited. Is it smited, maybe it's smote or smate....' As the drug induced ramblings went on, I continued to take down the rest of the bag quickly. Then without much thought, I said 'Damn.' And walked casually towards the restrooms. I walked to the farthest stall, and proceeded to send the little candies right back up, via airmail. The puking wasn't unpleasant at all. Where as the stomach acid would have bothered my throat terribly, it didn't mean much to me at all. I attribute that to the analgesiac effects of the pill. I then stood up and went on about my merry way.

2:00 - The rest of the school day, I slept. I felt good, very good, but very drowsy as well. A very pleasant drowsiness I might add, with occasional bouts of nausea.

5:00 - I was no longer afraid to eat and ate 2 hotdogs and a good helping of french fries. I ate very gingerly, because my stomach was still weak from the pills.

That night I felt tired and I was very grumpy and very quick to snap at people, but I still felt pretty good. I slept very well and woke up the next morning refreshed

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47495
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2010Views: 57,364
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), School (35)

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