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A Spectacular Waste of Time
Citation:   The Hydra. "A Spectacular Waste of Time: An Experience with Albuterol (exp47531)". May 24, 2006.

  repeated inhaled Pharms - Albuterol
Just for background, the drugs I'd taken before this were marijuana (several times a week), coedine, and alcohol.

I took 30 puffs to begin with, using a spacer to ensure maximum inhalation with each dose. I made sure to hold each puff for a second or two, inhaling deeply. Within 2 minutes I began to feel my chest throbbing, my heart kicking into overdrive. I also began to quiver unintentionally and couldn't sit still. It was a rather uncomfortable experience, but it wasn't really that bad. I decided to up the dose, and over the course of the next 5 minutes I reached my spontaneous goal of 100 hits, I think. I say I think because I lost track of the count as the effects became more intense.

I fell over immediately after reaching my goal, almost passing out. However, I think that was due to the lack of oxygen I was getting from rapidly puffing on the inhaler without pause. Within the next 10 minutes, the dose hit me, but it only increased the effects slightly. I unintentionally shook slightly harder, and my mouth became very dry. My heart was also beating somewhere around 180 bpm, which is VERY fast. I also got a throbbing headache. It lasted for around 4 hours, but I could still feel slight effects for more than a day afterwards.

All in all, it was a waste of time, providing a very uncomfortable and annoying high. Most of the effects I felt I think were due to lack of oxygen.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 24, 2006Views: 11,405
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Pharms - Albuterol (241) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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