Don't Inhale Too Much
Citation:   Horror & psychosis. "Don't Inhale Too Much: An Experience with Albuterol (exp47697)". Mar 27, 2006.

13 hits inhaled Pharms - Albuterol
This would be the worst experience that would ever come unto me. What I am about to tell you is completley real, just in case you consider it a placebo, as a few people I know have.

It was a normal day like any other, I had no intent to feel a 'buzz' nor was I willing to ingest something that was phsycoactive, pretty much What I was trying to get at. At school the previous week, It was an orange alert day for asmetics during P.E., putting the asmetic children in the school library for a normal class period. At a table with a book about drugs, I had noticed my friend daniel alone at a table, bored. I had walked over to him with my book, he is always fascinated with drugs, specifically marijuana. I had read a paragraph in the book aloud about why marijuana is illegal, and then daniel had taken out an albuterolic inhaler, and put in simultaneous 'puffs' into his mouth without inhaling. Quickly, he opened his mouth and a large cloud of albuterolic dust came out, and he had acted as though he was smoking marijuana. I had laughed about it, and then continued on reading about LSD, and told daniel about how it was first produced.

On with saturday, no school, I was more bored than usual. I had remembered something unusually amusing yet slightly stupid, I had taken my inhaler from the medicine cabinet, and was soon going to have the worst experience I had ever had. I had put alot of albuterol dust in my mouth, about 13 puffs, and had held it in way too long, obviously, as no dust had come out of my mouth as I exhaled. 'No worry, I have taken quite a large amount of puffs before, and only felt a little adrenaline.' That's what I thought. 'No worry.' Within time, Maybe 15 minutes, I had started to feel a little rush, I had thought it was pretty ok. I had not known it was the albuterol, but thought it was only the thought of stabbing water bottles with a throwing knife invading my body. I had done so, Liking the way the water squirted out all over my face, as if it were blood. I was soaked with water by the 10th bottle, and was going to head over to the shower, when I noticed how much energy I had. I looked in the mirror and flexed my arm muscles, laughed, And proceeded into the shower with the same knife, and 3 or 4 bottles full of water. I stabbed them, Made water splash in my face, and turned on the shower to wash my half-soaked hair out, so I could put on a new shirt and feel clean.

As I had walked out of the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror again, and gave a lecture to myself about how broccoli juice would kill children. I walked out of the bathroom into my room, and thought about what I just said, what I just did, and knew that I was feeling weird. I hadn't put much thought into the broccoli discussion as I filled a clear glass vial halfway with water, put shaving cream in it, and some hair spray. I mixed it up, and threw it out into the sink, not liking the odd aroma it gave off. I had put on my clothing and dried off by then, And a HUGE rush of a adrenaline and heart pounding had come over me within a minute, thinking that I was going phsycopathic, talking to myself in a mirror. I then thought about how murderers start out as children, stabbing things and enjoying it, and then I thought 'oh... Oh god... I am afraid I might become a FIRST DEGREE MURDERER!' And had rambled on to myself silentley how I should contain myself and not kill my parents over paranoia of the adrenaline taking my body over and making me kill them, not being able to help myself because I would be immobilized by my own thoughts, and driven by others.

I had walked downstairs into the living room, thinking I had only inhaled something... the mixture of chemicals, and was just experiencing a minor and temporary rush that I would only have to go to the hospital for. I decided to see if it worsened. I had sat down on the couch in the living room, and thought watching television would help out. I then heard my father whistling an annoying tune and I, in a very hostile tone and attitude, told my father to shut up and went outside on the patio where my mother was smoking a cigarette. I was thinking about telling her about what my thoughts were, but I was interupted by my father coming out and telling her about the current condition of my grandmother, a dimented 74 year old now living with us. I just sat in a chair on the bar on the patio and tryed to think of what might happen in another 10 minutes. I went upstairs again, remembering a minor trip due to wet marijuana, accidentally smoked. during the 'trip', I was hallucinating and puking, time was very slow. I had now paranoia of puking, and became very nausious.

I turned on the Television at just the right time to see the beginning of a movie. I had contained myself in a sane state for 2 hours, which had gone by Extremley fast and way too slow at the same time. After the movie was over, I had paranoia and I started to panic, which cause very minor, but real, long term schizophrenia. I had logged onto aol instant messanger, and jumped up as a screen from my cousin had popped up saying 'what's up?' And I had only, again, in a hostile intent, said ' Justin, please, I do not feel very well at all!' And he asked if I was smoking pot again. I answered him by telling him about why I feel so scared and panicy. And he said to tell him when I'm sober enough not to freak out, and signed off. I had walked up the stairs again, trying to avoid any attention from my father sitting on the couch watching television. I walked into my room, and tryed to lay down, listen to some music and eventually fall asleep. I put in some music called bola, very interesting music that makes me feel really mellow and relaxed. I fell asleep and in a heartbeat, I woke up at about 8:00 in the morning.

I felt pretty normal, and then went downstairs on the computer to find out about inhalants. I saw a title 'Inhaler Overdose' and clicked on it. It was a very high dose of albuterol, and similar to my experience, only I had thought about when I needed the inhaler last night. And then it hit me- the stupid yet amusing thing I had done to take care of my boredom. 13 puffs. One third the dose the person in the story had taken. I read that he had gone through years of paranoia and panic, ruining his social life in high school.

In conclusion, I had also had long term panic attacks and paranoia of panic attacks, which usually lead to one. I would feel sorry for anyone who would feel this way, even some sick, cruel person, because it was the most horrifying thing I have EVER experienced in my lifetime.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 27, 2006Views: 28,279
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Pharms - Albuterol (241) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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