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I Am Seeing Things Like NEO
MDMA & Ketamine
by smow
Citation:   smow. "I Am Seeing Things Like NEO: An Experience with MDMA & Ketamine (exp47734)". Aug 13, 2018.

1 tablet oral 5-Methoxymethylone (pill / tablet)
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
It wasn't my first time taking Ketamine but it is a out of this world experience.

Usually I was more of a guy into exstacy, bringing my mind into the state of trance, seeing things that people don't. This happen that day when I was that stupid to ate one shot exstacy during work time. I was keeping this exstacy that was given to my by my fren about a week ago during a sessions. I was in a bad mood that day so I went to toilet to have a break, a very crazy break.

In the toilet I pee, I wash my hand and I was thinking, the pill has to go, why not now. So I ate the pill, swallowing, unusual for me coz I use to chew, but on second thoughts it will be very bitter to chew it and not have a coke beside me. So the next thing was I came out of the toilet and went to the closest convenient store to get a coke. I finish the coke and it was still fine. I was sitting on my table waiting for customer to come in, I was still fine by then not until a customer came in and I stand up to serve him, my head started to feel heavy, and my eyes started to focus weirdly. I only made some small introduction about the product and I know I can't do it anymore so I asked my colleague to come and handle the customer. I told him I was feeling dizzy so I need to get into the car to rest.

So I grab my car keys and straight I go to my car, start the engine, turn on the air-cond, wind the window down a bit, turn the volume up and up we go to heaven. I have no time to pick on the cd so I just switch on the tuner to tune into the radio station, it's on some RnB and Hip Hop stuff, it didn't matter all I need is music. I was in heaven within seconds and the effect lasted me for like about an hour, was a nice experience no heavy breathing, no bad feeling, but that was just part one.

Right after I finish work I rushed to my frens place and there is the best experience of my lifetime. Firstly I was on exstacy and some ketamine, but nothing big happen though strong but normal. When the first round is over I was thinking of taking more exstacy but we are out of bullets only ketamine left. So while waiting for my fren to get the goods I was sitting there talking with my frens when suddenly I tot of taking a snort of ketamine. There was a brand new set of k on the table, my fren was having the card so I ask him to make me a strip thinking that he is going to make me a 2 inch strip which was normal for me, so I turned and continue talking, when he called me saying it was done, I turned and saw on the table a long strip about 10 inch in length, I was like wat the. I told him I want a shorter strip, he say no I made this strip for you, so this is your strip. Ok here comes my best ketamine experience.

I bend down took a straw put it up my left nostril and suck, didn't finish the whole strip but half gone. So I stuck the straw into my right nostril and there goes the other half. It was still fine for the first ten minutes, until one of my fren came and brought a god knows wat cd, right at the point the first track being played, I was blast to palm spring, feeling my body being blown apart joined with the atmosphere and music. I was walking like robocop and sooner can't even stand on my foot, I could only crawl. After about five more minutes which feels like lifetime to me. I started to see the room feel with lights, it was like fireflies flying around or like led bulbs being spread out on the wall. Things start to deformed and reformed, it like break into small dots and reform into a picture. When I was talking to my fren I was like being in heaven, or a place out of this world. I started to see my frens like being formed my small particles, just like the way NEO see things in matrix. It lasted me about an hour and I know it's a little to far, too far from reality so I try to concentrate and pull myself back into a piece.

And there is where my journey ends and it was of all the best journey I ever had. Never in my life I felt that way, but I am not sure if I am daring enough to try it again because I am affraid of going too far, affraid of being not able to come back....

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 13, 2018Views: 860
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