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The Landmark
Citation:   Kazera. "The Landmark: An Experience with LSD (exp47851)". Erowid.org. Jan 7, 2010. erowid.org/exp/47851

4 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was Christmas Day, December 25, 2004. 11:30 at night.

I'll be Kazera. My lady'll be Keaira.

Substance - Bright, red, yellow & blue collored gecko/butterfly blotter acid (10-strip)

11:35pm - I ingest 4 hits at once, followed by 4 gulps of Deja Blu. Keaira injests 2 hits followed by 2 gulps of Deja Blu, in a BlockBuster parking lot. She's video-taping the entire night.

11:50pm - We arrive home. Immediately I run to the bathroom to urinate. I am absolutely ectsatic with anticipation, I've waited so long for this night. We light candles, put in our A Perfect Circle DVD, for visuals, and Marilyn Manson's 'Portrait of an American Family' album to help jump-start our on-set waiting period with Manson's hypnotic drum beats and twisted, aggresive melodies and vocals.

12:35am - As Keaira video-tapes me, I become unaware of what she's doing, or of what I'm doing. I was previously playing with the cd player, and somehow have found myself feeling as I'm floating. I can't seem to sit still, I feel as if I'm being lifted and swirled and the room like a tornado running rampid through an innocent Oklahoma prarie!

12:50am - Keaira is laughing frantically as she video tapes me, I seem to come up with the most humorous and unexpected dialouge. Every word I say and every glance from my eyes into hers, generates a burst of laughter and cosmic connection and understanding, thus which I never never previously experienced, through 5 lsd voyages and countless MDMA encounters.

1:00am - I find myself jumping over my living room couch. It seems so easy and natural to do. I feel invincible as if I'm no longer human but as if I'm part of every breathing, waving and sparkling entity in my home. It allows me to jump, sing and fly as if I were in a dream.

1:05am - Keaira runs from the bathroom and into the living room.. where she finds me, laid out of my coffee table having dumped and entire glass of apple juice onto my chest and lap. I couldn't give you a straight answer as to why this happened. But, I do remember I felt very in touch with my liquid state, at the time, and dumping apple juice on myself seemed like a very reasonable and profound experience at the time!

1:30am (T +2:00hrs) - This LSD experience is just starting to catch up with Keaira. She's beginning to look over her shoulder often and become more wide-eyed and spell-bound. I begin to fill sad, she was only willing to take two hits, and didn't have a clue about the incredible flowing experience I was having. It began to slightly isolate us as her trip left her under our bedroom covers, rolling around and frightened of shadows.

2:00am - I've attempted to take a cigarette break on the outside patio, but I can't even sit still for five minutes to do so! I am constantly moving, walking, striding swirling and breathing this moment. This moment which has lifted every question or concern in my existance and has slapped it in the face with a blinding light and truth which I never knew existed.

2:10am - Keaira and I make love. We have a silent moment before-hand and connect with eye-contact. We drop all of our individual desires and let our souls give-in to each other. I remember making love on 4 hits of high-powered LSD was like making love to an angel, in Heaven. We could feel each other in every cell, molecule, pore in our bodies. Every hair on the back of mjy neck stood high and tingled. Our eyes closed, our imaginations ran wild as though in this moment, we understood, as we made love, the purpose of conception of the entire universe. We were, for this moment, the center of all life and energy and love!

The next few hours resulted in Keaira and I playing with our 3 cats and mostly joking and laughing, saying silly words and rhymes and enjoying the experience as it slowly, yet swiftly faded into the horizon like the after-math of a powerful thunderstorm. Keaira never quite understood why I went so crazy, why I was humping our air-hockey table or why I couldn't sit still. She later learned the difference between 2 hits and 4 hits of this blotter. But this night, for nearly 1 year has been a night to which all other feeling, realizations and truths compare.

That night was The Landmark for my relationship with LSD. From that night forward, I fully understand it's power to completely release me from my day-in/day-out shell of routine. I cannot lie to myself about childhood or adulthood dreams. They are there, inside of us. That night helped me to realise just how exciting, energetic and loving it is to be human.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 47851
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2010Views: 4,309
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