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Little or No Intoxication, Relaxation, Body High, or Buzz
Citation:   rEzEn. "Little or No Intoxication, Relaxation, Body High, or Buzz: An Experience with Methocarbamol (exp47886)". Jun 25, 2018.

T+ 0:00
500 mg oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:55 500 mg oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 1 g oral Methocarbamol (pill / tablet)
I was trying to figure out what the heck the pills were (before use). They where mixed in with some other pills and I thought the others were the good ones. I was driving all over town trying to find a freakin pharmacy so they could identify it for me but guess what, I’m an idiot. I could not find one open (I just moved here). I got pissed, gave up and went home. As I’m getting out of my car I realize that I am an idiot. I could have just called a pharmacy and asked. That’s what I did. The guy said they were Robaxin etc. (Methocarbamol).

I went on line to find info on um.

I took one at 10:10pm on a fairly empty stomach. Now it’s just about 11:00 and I don’t think I feel any different. I want to take another but I don’t know about these and it takes 2 hours to peak so I’ll hold off for now.

11:05 - You know what? Fuck it, I’m taking one more. I love that feeling right when I pop a pill. It’s the “There’s no turning back now!” feeling. Like the first time I did XTC. It was only the 2nd drug I did (pot was first). I took 2 Brown Sugars (Pures)… Crazy feeling.

11:40 – I took 2 more. What the fuck? This shit better do something besides make pee.

I ended up going to sleep at about 3am. I just got up at 11am. I feel fine. The pills don’t do much. I will not waste my time with them again. For a pain reliever I would say they suck. My back hurt most of the time. I felt little or no intoxication, relaxation, body high, or buzz, all the reasons for taking the pills. This is most likely the reason these pills are not used for fun and hard to find info on. Maybe I took them too spread out. Ether way they are weak. To be honest I feel and felt a little different after taking them BUT I feel there is no point to um. Low score in my book.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47886
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2018Views: 7,989
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