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Melting Away Anxiety
Citation:   Pariah. "Melting Away Anxiety: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp47919)". Nov 29, 2018.

2 mg sublingual Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
This particular experience all began just a few days ago. I only had five dollars to my name left over from my paycheck and I had a full tank of gas to last me till the next pay day, so I figured,why not buy some Clonazepam with the last few dollars that I had (I had nothing better to spend it on). I knew somebody who happened to have some at the time so I go to his house and inquire about the 2mg Clonazepams that he just had the other day. Well, he no longer had ne...just a few minutes later however, a mutual buddy of ours stopped buy and he had some, so I decide to buy two for three bucks apiece, but alas! I only have five dollars, so he just sells me two for five dollars, and I plan on saving one of them for another 'rainy' day...with the Clonazepams in my pocket, and a grin on my face, I proceed home.

The Experience: Being fairly experienced with this drug, I decided to try something different, so I just simply placed one of the white pills under my tongue and let it sit there while it dissolved. Amazingly, Clonazepam does not have much of a bad taste, only the coating coming off does taste slightly odd (much like the feeling of snorting it is slighlty pleasent b/c it numbs my nose with a coldness uncomparible to ne thing that I have snorted before without pain). So as it dissolved I watched TV until finally, there was only a lil spec of white left under my tongue, so I put it on top of my tongue and let it continue to dissolve. Effects were known just five minutes later with a slight dizziness in my head. As I began to climb steadily my worries and anxiety were whisped away and carried into nothingness. I sat and watched tv as the head high began to slowly progress into a more intense head high and also a lethargic feeling on my body became apparent. Time also crept by, but at the same time, flew by ( it is hard to explain). I would stand up and walk around and feel the sluggishness in my walk and I had to concentrate on what I had to say b/c the words just didnt feel like they were coming out right. This lasted for a number of hours until finally I layed down to a pleasent night of sleep.

After effects: Even the next day I felt somewhat sluggish and slow in thought, but overall, well worth it and I took the 'rainy' day clonazepam later on in the day, and everything turned out all right. I personally enjoy Clonazepam more than Xanax becasue Xanax makes me forget at 2 mg while on Clonazpem I can remember fairly well at this dosage.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47919
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2018Views: 2,515
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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