LSD Trancendents Are Go!
Citation:   starchiLL. "LSD Trancendents Are Go!: An Experience with LSD (exp4794)". Jan 4, 2002.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I am touched by the stories I've read about LSD, a lot of the bad stories too. I have always wanted to express my feelings about this drug, but there was never a chance to do that in the past (thank those LSD-crazy hippies [not Gore :)] for inventing computers and the internet).

The first time I tripped is almost a legendary story for me. It happened in Kansas in a trailerhome. I was there as an exchange student. A friend of mine (he later followed the Dead) gave me some acid to keep while he was going on vacation; he said he didn't mind if I took some.

In Holland (where I come from) it's legal to smoke weed, so my craving for a relaxed drug experience after one year of Kansas skunk (one bud) was getting to me....

After I cut the trip into pieces (I wanted to build up), I took some pieces and some more.

DETAIL: In the trailerhome where I lived, were at the time 5 people who had no idea that I was tripping. They thought I had gone to bed and sleep.

Then the acid kicked in and I passed out. Still after all these years I get flashbacks of what I saw that night.
Old computer graphics, surreal graphics, cartoons, images from books I read when I was young (a lot).
After 5 hours I became aware of myself. Before that I didn't even have an idea of anything anymore, only tripping; I discovered that there was a raging thunderstorm outside and I was thinking I was hallucinating those noises

When I became aware of myself I started to get a little frightened. I couldn't get in touch with reality anymore and when I looked at my hands I could see the bones right through them and broken glass was cutting into my back.

At this time I was becoming aware that my cd-player was on repeat (Sisters of Mercy) and that the vibe in this music was getting me down. I turned on the radio and heard the sound come out backwards, turned on other music but everything sounded like shit. I was thinking 'how can I listen to this shit'; in a couple of hours my complete musical tastes changed. My whole collection sucked.

In a last attempt I put a Jimi Hendrix cd on. The room turned pink and I was home again. I had this same experience with Hendrix a couple years later with 5 tripping friends (always have a Hendrix album in your basement).

But this was not by far the end of the trip. It was almost 6 in the morning and I had to take a piss. The trailerhome looked like a cubist boat from Picasso. When I entered the room there were claws coming through my curtains. I was shocked, it was too real, this was no mere hallucination. I heard something outside and approached my window. It was our cat, she wanted to come in. I was relieved it was for real, I was sane...only the cat was made of nails, but I knew that it was the trip.

Now I was coming down but not really - my mind was tired but the trip was raging on. Here came the bad part, I couldn't sleep and was trippng my eyes out.

I didn't sleep all night and had to act normal all day. How I managed is a riddle; they didn't notice anything but I kept on tripping. In the afternoon I called the dealer in despair. I wanted to know if it would ever stop, and he said that it would (it was the stupidest telephone conversation ever).

Somehow the trip wore off and I called my girlfriend. We went out and drove to the nicest sunset I have ever seen, it was like paradise after hell.

I hope when somebody is real deperate on LSD and reads: YOU ARE NOT ALONE, THIS WORLD IS BERSERK, THE FEELING IS GOING AWAY, MAKE FUN WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, he smiles and thinks it's true.... I have done L after this trip and some of the trips were bad and some good (scene, setting, friends).

Exp Year: 1991ExpID: 4794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2002Views: 15,499
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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