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The Most Fun I Ever Had
Citation:   First-Timer. "The Most Fun I Ever Had: An Experience with DXM (exp4828)". Jan 9, 2002.

150 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  50 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
Before I begin, allow me to say that I do not have very much drug experience. Although I’m not brand-new to it, I do have SOME experience, but I am still learning about them and everything related to that topic. But I would like to express my views on my very first trip: DXM.

I was becoming familiar with marijuana quickly. After doing profound research and a lot of experimenting, I was gaining knowledge of it at a rapid rate and becoming a huge fan of it. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been extremely attracted to drugs. When I would see people shoot up heroin or snort lines in movies, I was always fascinated by it. I had a very strong curiosity. And I knew that ever since I was 12-years-old that I wanted to “trip.” So after being confident enough in dealing with weed, I felt that it was okay to try tripping

The only thing I could get my hands on what DXM. I could’ve waited till I had access to mushrooms, but it would’ve been a while and I was too anxious to wait. I wanted to try it immediately. So I decided I was going to try DXM one night. Therefore I prepared heavily for the journey by packing certain trippy, happy music and made sure I wouldn’t be disturbed by anyone (Yes, I tripped alone). No one would’ve been interfering with me all night long (Dad was working and Mom was asleep). So the structure seemed like it would work great, in which it did.

Around 9:00 PM, I took 3 spoonfuls of ‘Tussin DM’ cough syrup. I swallowed the first 2 spoons, and held the 3rd spoonful in my mouth for several minutes, hoping that it would speed up the process of the actual onset (in which it did, by the way). In as little as 15 minutes (because I held it in my mouth) I began to feel slightly “buzzed.” Simliar to a marijuana buzz, but a more energetic one…such as an alcohol buzz. I noticed that I began to feel quite comfortable and confident. I felt smug and happy and easy-going. As time went by, I began to feel somewhat light-headed. I even felt light and heavy at the same time. When I would get up to walk, I noticed that I wasn’t walking the same. I appeared to be walking normally, but in my head I knew there was something about my walking that was different than usual. It felt very light, almost as if I was floating. I noticed a change in energy at the time. I felt more energized (not necessarily hyper) and wanting to engage in physical activity. I wanted to walk around, even dance at times. Music seemed much more interesting and deep. It almost seemed to hypnotize me. It seemed more beautiful and serene than ever. I had just a few aches and pains, but this didn’t bother me because I was familiar with it. I was actually surprised that I hadn’t throw up or felt really sick because I heard that so many people do so.

I also became VERY talkative. I would talk to myself at random times, and I even went to go talk to my mom before she went to bed. On weed I usually feel slightly paranoid about talking to my parents while high – afraid that I’d act suspicious and they’d suspect something. But I noticed that while I was talking to my mom, I wasn’t worried at all. In fact I felt closer to her during this time than I ever have. I’ve read many reports of people feeling very scared and confused while tripping, so I was surprised that my experience was so pleasant. When my sister called later that night, I was talking to her a lot also. I had told her that I was tripping, mainly because I loved the experience so much I just HAD to tell someone, and my sister is cool with me and drugs, so I knew I’d be able to share. I enjoyed talking to her A LOT, and I didn’t want her to have to go. I wanted to continue talking as long as I could (similar to being high on pot).

After an hour or so went by, I knew the trip definitely began because I started to feel body sensations. First I felt cold, but I asked my mom if she was cold and she said she was also, so this wasn’t really the start. But I was shivering, whereas she was just feeling slightly cold. I told her I was okay, just feeling cold (she fell for it). I also felt warm later on. I felt my skin being warm and moist. This is when I noticed that my thinking was different. I was much more creative in my thinking, and was VERY sympathetic and sorrowful (similar to weed). Any negative emotional thought seemed to feel much more painful and even scary when I would think of these things. My ideas seemed so great too. I would come up with something and think that it was PERFECT. I would think it was “the answer” and that they was no disputing it.

I found that I had much more respect for things. I noticed that when I walked by one of my dad’s houseplants, I stopped to stare at it, even talking to it. It never talked back, which is what I was hoping it would do. I wanted to trip as hard as I could. I wanted to see God and hear the dead talking to me. I wanted the craziest things to happen as possible. So I decided to take a Contact pill that had said it contained 50 mg of DXM. It also contained other chemicals that I was told to avoid. But I downed the pill anyway. I figured it would be safe to take 1 pill, and no more than that no matter how much I wanted to take, because I would have to restrict myself so I wouldn’t get sick or OD. I had heard that DXM was similar to an acid trip, so that is why I wanted to trip hard. I wanted to get a taste of what acid is like (but of course I didn’t. my trip was very tame).

I also noticed that the lights seemed much brighter than usual. Any colors seemed much more beautiful than ever. I lit a candle, and rather than seeing a flickering flame, I saw a long straight ray of light. I was amazed by it, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. When I would look in the mirror, I was much more pleased with myself and I enjoyed looking at myself much more. For a very quick moment, that changed in less than a second. I felt as if I was in conflict with myself. I felt that I wanted to fight myself. I gave myself dirty looks. Then in less than a second later, I was pleased with myself again. I even lifted up my shirt to look at myself because I thought my body was sexy. I was talking to myself as if I were my best friend. I also felt scared when I went into my basement to get a flurorescent light for my own enjoyment. The basement seemed so disturbing and spooky. I felt like it was a place that murderers hang out at, or that there were ghosts. But I talked myself out of it and told myself it was my basement and that there was nothing to be afraid of. After doing this I was able to get the light and go back upstairs without any worries.

About 2 hours had gone by, I was at the plateau of my experience. After wandering around the house (I felt very curious to explore everything), I decided I wanted to go outside. Now I was a little worried that I would get sick or pass out while outside, so I was hesitant to do so until I had convinced myself that I was fine. This was negative, but not really scary enough to seem like a big concern over it. My dad wasn’t going to get home until 1:00 AM, and I left around midnight. In case I didn’t get home by 1:00, I left a note explaining to my dad that something had risen and I had to tend to something . . . explaining not to worry, that I would be back later that night. I noticed that my writing was very different than usual. My writing seemed more wavy and thick. While I was outside, I could hear many sounds (like on pot). I didn’t know what these sounds were, but I heard them everywhere. Trees and buildings seemed to lean very tall and massively. The sky seemed more like a ceiling than infinite space. Traffic lights and street lights seemed much brighter and closer. They were also very fun to stare at. I also noticed that tree branches seemed as if they were reaching out to me. Not necessarily trying to touch me, but just seemed to be much longer and massive. I was able to walk fast, and could hear my own footsteps. It felt as if my legs were doing all the work and that my body was just floating along. My head also bobbed a lot, as if it wasn’t connected . . . and it was just bouncing along as I walked.

The only hallucinogenic qualities that I felt were the brightness of the lights and the exaggerated appearance of everything. But I had not “seen anything that was not there.” The only close experience to that was when I was walking outside and I thought a car (I heard one and saw headlignts) was coming down the street, so I stopped at the corner to wait for it to pass by. Then I turned away for a minute, looked again and nothing was there. This didn’t bother me much. I also thought I saw a bug or something run quickly over the sidewalk. Like the car, this did not bother me. Before I knew it, I was walking in the center of the street. I had done this because I saw people getting into their car, and I wanted them to possibly approach me so that I could talk to them (like I said, I felt very talkative and outgoing). But they didn’t. It was strange because while outside I actually WANTED people to know that I was tripping (on weed I never want to give it away).

I had finally come back home, and it wasn’t very long until I went to bed. I noticed that I was coming down and it wasn’t nearly as fun anymore. In fact, it had become boring. I wanted to wait around for my dad to come home, but since I was already coming down I began to feel less talkative and social, so I went up to my room for the rest of the night (besides, he got home much later that night, like around 4:00). Another moment that I found to be scary was when I was getting ready for bed and I thought about over-dosing. I thought I was going to die during my sleep because I had taken that 1 pill that contained different ingredients. I began to wander back and forth in panic. But I talked myself down because I thought surely I can’t die from just 1 pill.

I had some difficulty falling asleep, but nothing really bad. I just layed in my bed enjoying the closed-eye visuals while thinking about the whole experience and other things. My mind was very active, but I could feel that my body was exhausted. My dreams that night weren’t as vivid as I thought they would be. eyebrows were as long and sharp as nails, therefore having spikes on my face – this MAY have been a hallucination I had while looking in the mirror, but I don’t really remember. I’m sure it wasn’t though.

The next day I felt really good! I didn’t feel tired at all, knowing that I had only gotten few hours of sleep. I also continued to feel happy and joyful. However, I had a few moments in which I experienced “De Ja Vu.” I would look at things and not necessarily see them as I if I were tripping, but would know what they would look like if I was tripping. I could also feel confused more easily because of this

This was one of the greatest times of my life!!! I enjoyed it very much, and am very glad that I tried it!! My dose was very low, in fact, I don’t think I even got past the 1st plateau. My trip was more of a “high” than anything. But it was A LOT of fun!! I think I will always remember this! Being that my dose was low, that explains why it was so tame I’m sure. If it was a higher dose, God only knows what would’ve happened. I will definitely try this again . . . but I will give it time before I come back to it. I will also do a higher dose in hopes of achieving a different kind of trip. I would only recommend this to people after they have done tons and tons of research on the drug and tripping in general. It takes A LOT of preparation, no matter what drug you’re trying for the first time.

But don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to anyone. The only way you can really understand is to figure it out for yourself . . . realize this fully. I don’t know what else to say . . .

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4828
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2002Views: 45,813
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DXM (22) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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