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Im Alive
Citation:   dharma-bums. "Im Alive: An Experience with Amphetamines (exp48368)". Feb 18, 2018.

I'm going into my 9th hour and I'm still gone..I've experimented with alot of stuff eversince I was 12, but speed is in this totally different category of its own.the overwhelming sensation of your own heart beating like never ever before,feelings I've never felt.I'm feeling my mind expand and mi hair just stands on end.

I was with friends earlier,and its so amazing,the high level of understanding and communication between us. we all felt that we can just talk and talk and unburden ourselves and feel for eachother.and now,this is like my 6th encounter with this drug and I am still awed by its effects,by its wowness if I may.its unreal at times.

I've been having some kind of writers block for almost 5 months and it was starting to get on my nerves,now, I'm typing as fast as I can and I still cant keep up with my thoughts.we've discussed everything from the african famines and world indifference to american policies in our land to the space ship thats up there somewhere.and it is on speed that we finally came to terms with the haunting burden of the war that lasted for 30yrs around us and left no one and nothng unchanged.and it is on speed that I manage to have civil conversations with the family.

But the fuked up thing about is that my body temp gets really high since my body is completely alert and my heart is doing somethng like a thousand beats a minute,I feel so cold one minute and so hot the next,and the worst part is attempting to take a shower wen I'm on speed,last week,I spent around 2 hours infront of the water faucets trying to regulate its temp,wen its warm on my hands its freezing on my head, wen its great on my head its fucking freezing on my feet. I gave up on that needless to mention.

So I just wanted to say that its one of the most stimulating drugs,physically and mentally as well.but,its also one of the most old friend of mine really over did it and now suffers from mild schizophrenia and other physical problems.phew, that was long :)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48368
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2018Views: 985
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Amphetamines (6) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), Unknown Context (20)

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