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Felt Better Than I Ever Have - Just Ask The Mouse
Citation:   Julian Clan. "Felt Better Than I Ever Have - Just Ask The Mouse: An Experience with 2C-I (exp48490)". Jan 10, 2018.

2 hits   2C-I
I had taken 2c-I before, I took one hit and had a great ecstasy type trip, but I wanted to experience the full power I had heard about it.

I took two hits and went to my room. At first I noticed a flickering of light and then slowly I started tripping. Within 30 minutes I knew I was tripping good. I started a drawing but I couldn't finish it, half-way through, I began to peak intensely.

The peak was un-REAL!! I could feel just wave after wave of intense euphoria, I felt better than anything, better than cocaine, ecstasy, weed, anything. I was in a world of joy. When the peak's intensity slowed and I could finally sit up(I couldn't move well during the peak, I just layed there and rode it out) anyway, when I sat up, I was hallucinating better than I ever have. I have used shrooms, acid, LSA(Morning glories), DXM, nutmeg, and Salvia various times and none of them felt as good as 2c-I. My textured walls waved and swirled and created faces for the whole twelve hours, I saw a mouse on my wall for a while, and I briefly hallucinated that there was a hairy midget holding my bedroom lamp.

The best part was that I FELT amazing, and everything that I looked at moved and was a form of a hallucination. The tracers were amazing, I could watch my motions echo. I will never use anything else again this drug is soo great.

I took the capsule at eleven o-clock and I did not stop hallucinating till about four, and I didn't stop tripping till about twelve.

All in all, this was an amazing experience and I intend to use 2c-I frequently.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 934
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2C-I (172) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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