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Totally Confused
Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   Osirys. "Totally Confused: An Experience with Sleep Deprivation (exp48615)". May 9, 2006.

This experience happened a little while ago when I was working a full time night shift job and a part time day job.

I had just got off of work and decided that instead of sleeping for only a few hours before going to my next job later that night, I would stay up and go watch a movie. I have had much experience with sleep deprivation before and figured i could handle it.

The whole day i felt really tired (which is to be expected) and by the time I had to go to work I was nodding off. I took a walk outside in the cold air and woke up a little bit. Things went pretty smoothly until i was almost done my night shift.

It was probably 30 hours since sleeping that I noticed how slow time was going. All I could think about was sleeping (which is normal by then) and I had trouble concentrating. The only way to exlain what happened next was that it was like my mind fell asleep as my body stayed awake. Every few minutes I would *wake up* and realize where I was and what I was doing. Then a couple of minutes later it would happen again. This happened constantly for the last three hours of the night.

This has happened a few times when I was stoned on different things...but not this extreme. I was getting scared that I was losing my mind. I was fine after a good nights sleep.

I think the reason this time was so different is simply because I wasnt just going to class and staying awake, I had to do pysical work. Thats my theory at least.

In any case I wont be pulling any more all nighters for a while...its just to much work.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48615
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2006Views: 8,034
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Sleep Deprivation (140) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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