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Smoking Cessation...or the Opposite
Opiates & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   cowbell. "Smoking Cessation...or the Opposite: An Experience with Opiates & Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp48618)". Dec 5, 2019.

  repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
    repeated   Opiates
Quit Smoking W/ Hydrocodone Response

In a recent (Decemeber 8, 2005) contribution online by 'Tim', he mentioned that he was successful in quitting cigarettes with the help of hydrocodone. While I don't doubt his word, I have always noticed that when I use opioids such as hydrocodone (Lortab), oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet, Oxy IR) or hydromorphone (Dilaudid), either for legitimate pain or simply for recreational purposes, my craving for a smoke goes up significantly.

When I am 'clean', I usually smoke no more than 10-12 cigarettes a day. But when I have an opioid in my bloodstream, I can easily consume one to two packs of smokes in a day. It seems, at least in my experience, that the nicotine and the pain meds have something of a cinergistic effect and make both considerably more enjoyable. Not being a pharmacist or physician, I can't explain the reasoning behind it, I just know how my body reacts. I've also noticed that many people I know who use these substances on either an occasional or ongoing basis will smoke more, too.

I can only attest to my experience and have to inform people about what happens to me when trying this method of smoking cessation. The only logical explanation I can come up with for why it worked for this guy is due to the low dose of hydrocodone he was using. My dose is typically much higher (OxyContin 20 mg b.i.d, OxyContin 10 mg b.i.d and 10 mg's of Oxy IR t.i.d.) for a total of 60 milligrams of oxycodone daily.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48618
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2019Views: 894
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Opiates (207), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : Combinations (3), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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