Glory Before The Morning
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Rafiki. "Glory Before The Morning: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp4895)". Jan 10, 2002.

13.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
I would like to relay to you all the experience I had last night with morning glory seeds. During the day I purchased a beautiful pepper grinder and 9 1.5gram packs of Burpee heavenly blue morning glory seeds. I got home, cleaned the grinder, washed the seeds, and began grinding.

1 hour and 15 minutes later I was finished - what a tedious chore. I now had sitting in front of me a large plastic cup with a fine powder of morning glory at the bottom - 13.5 grams to be exact.

I poured 8 ounces of distilled water over the seeds and covered the cup with plastic wrap. I then set the cup in the refridgerater - making sure to shake every 15 minutes.

2 hours and 15 minutes later I strained the liquid and discarded the seed pulp. Bottums up.

I quickly downed my brew, it didn't taste nearly as bad as I had expected. I drank a glass of orange juice to wash it down.

I began to feel light headed and very 'full' after 15 minutes. I began getting tingles. These tingles advanced to what I would call 'hella tingles.' Shapes started to morph and shadows shook - as when you have a candle lit. I saw a tree in the middle of my living room and it disappeared after some strange animal jumped out of it. At this point I was quite apprehensive, for I was starting to trip hard and it was only 30 minutes into the trip.

I was nauseous and getting cold flashes so I turned up the heat and went into my room to listen to music and lay in my bed. After some time of arranging the light content of my room to a comfortable level I laid down and tried to avoid throwing up.

I was getting out of bed and going to the bathroom to urinate literally every 10 minutes - laying in bed wasn't working, I was still cold and had to get up to often to piss. I thus came up with the idea to lay in the bathtub.

I was very proud of myself for choosing the bathtub and felt almost as though I had discovered something wonderful. In the bathtub I was able to control my temperature easily, urinate without having to move and throw up - if the need arose - without ruining clothes and sheets.

The water felt magical on my body and at times it felt like the droplets of water running down my back were cold fingers. The nausea was gone and I was in a state of tranquility. I found my thoughts were dancing around my head - not racing, but dancing.

After some time of contemplating life and reality in the tub I came to the following conclusions:

1. I can sleep on my head
2. I am cat
3. I am a big ball of dirt
4. I am a water molecule floating about without a care in the world

I got out of the tub and went back on the computer where I entered T3P IRC chat. The insanity was obvious. Everyone was everyone else yet all one. People were speaking of hilarious yet mind blowing things.

Here are some of the things I said in #dxm last night ( thank god for logs ):

[02:35] the dentists are rosebushing christianity
[02:35] lol
[02:35] you are fun
[02:35] people
[02:35] of earth

[02:36] you are all one big mutant murple being the color of fun man

[02:40] i turned into a water molecule and went into the ocean
[02:40] then turned into a phish fishing for balls of dirt

[02:42] i am a cattitucas monkeiest ballio dirtobal

[02:44] you cant trip on jaguars
[02:44] the car maybe
[02:44] but not cats

[02:52] jesus rises again. to the beat of viagra
[02:52] and loves all the children

[03:11] same here koma
[03:11] but my balls are being fucked by mimes

At this point I left the channel and went to IHOP. There was a football team there preparing for the superbowl, I think they were the Baltimore Ravens. I tried to eat but got very nauseous and almost vomited. I went home and went to bed. I went to sleep at 5 am.

Overall I learned that morning glories are a tool. It is obvious why Native American cultures used them - they can be fun, but only after you learned the lesson they were meant to teach.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4895
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2002Views: 11,624
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Alone (16)

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