Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Change of Heart?
Citation:   moracca. "A Change of Heart?: An Experience with 4-HO-DiPT (exp49033)". Apr 10, 2006.

17 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT (liquid)
Set: I am home from school on break, which is relaxing, however that also means that I am away from my girlfriend, who I stay with while at school. I am excited for the nights adventure, but trying not to have too many expectations.
Setting: A friends house where we can just relax without being bothered.

T: -1:00
I am at a friend, M's house, where I will be spending the night. He will be staying sober acting as my trip sitter if it is necessary. Another friend is there, J, but needed to be leaving shortly. At this point, 250mg of 4-ho-dipt is dissolved in 150mL of everclear vodka. The resulting solution is shaken thoroughly over the course of the next hour. It appeared as though it was still not completely dissolved, however I came to the conclusion that the particles I saw floating in the mixture were not the chemical, but rather residual particles left in the bottle I was using.

T: 0:00
It is now 11:51pm. Using an oral syringe, 10 mL of the solution is drawn out and mixed with a small amount of apple juice (<1oz). 10mL should have equalled 16 and 2/3 mg of Iprocin, and comparing my experience to ones I've read, this seemed about right.

T: +0:20
J needed to go home now, so M was driving, J in the front seat, and me in the back. At time of departure, I was feeling nothing, save my general anticipation for the night that lie ahead.

T: +0:25
We drop off J, and at this time, I am starting to feel it. My body is slightly stimulated, and I have the beginnings of slight stomach discomfort. Nothing visual as of yet. On the way home, M's mind was elsewhere, for some reason, as he would have ran right through a red light at a main intersection, had I not said anything. We stop for gas on the way home, and I look out the sunroof at the roof above us, and can see the tiles slightly bulging/expanding. We make it home safely, as the effects are starting to ramp up. As we park, M parks in front of my car, and manages to back into my front bumper. No big deal, however, and we go inside.

T: +1:00
I am at a ++ at this point. We are playing Xbox and relaxing in his basement. Interestingly, my motor coordination was not affected at all, and I was actually able to make it further in my game than I had been previously in the day. Visually, I can see the world around me pretty much as I normally would, however I can't help but notice the expansion and breathing going on.

We quit playing Xbox and decide to watch a movie. 'Time Bandits' was M's choice. Had I been deeper into my trip, this would have been a horrible movie to watch. It was full of loud noises and had a generally disturbing feel to it. At one point, I looked at the bed next to the chair I was in, and the xbox controller sitting on it. The controller took on a very sinister feeling, and the wrinkles in the sheet on the bed began to deepen and the ridges grew. Throughout the night, one of the most prominent side effects of the drug was the jaw clenching. While not too entirely disturbing, it was unpleasant and ever-present nonetheless.

T: +3:00
M falls asleep, and I continue to watch the movie, although I am not very interested in it. I would rather go to sleep at this point, as the movie wasn't keeping me interested, and I was not able to go upstairs anymore because M's stepfather was talking to his sister on the couch. I did actually go upstairs when I didnt know he was there, in order to get a pair of headphones. It was a surprise seeing him, however my speech, mental agility, nor my motor skills were affected enough to be noticeable in conversation. I went back downstairs in hopes of falling asleep to some music. Unfortunately, this drug would have none of that yet. I was bored for another hour or two.

T: +5:00
I am too bored to remain here. I clean up my things, and decide to go to my house for the remainder of the night. As my motor skills have not been impaired, and I had only about 4 blocks to go, I opted to drive home. Note: I do not recommend this. It was not a smart decision, but one that I felt comfortable with at the time, and while nothing bad came of it, it easily could have. I make it home safely, and go up to my room. I get on my computer for a bit, but decide to go get a drink downstairs. I get sidetracked and lay on the couch watching tv. Interestingly, I normally have fairly poor eyesight, and it is hard for me to read things on Tv from any substantial distance. At the time, however, it seemed to me that I was able to read the writing much better. Not that I am saying this chemical makes your eyesight better, but it just seemed that way at the moment.

I am almost completely baseline. After realizing that I was beginning to nod off on the couch, I decided to return to my room to lay down, and fell asleep soon thereafter.

T: +8:00
It is 7:00am. I wake up briefly and am completely back to normal. No ill after effects. I go back to sleep, not to wake up again until 10:30am.

You may be wondering why the title. Throughout the night, I didn't really have any radical thought patterns. It was mostly slight visual modification, and body sensations. I was very clear headed, however I was able to think a bit about my current situation in my relationship. I had been struggling for a while, feeling forced to choose between my girlfriend and drugs. I entered this trip half afraid that I was going to realize how much fun it was and choose this over my relationship. In fact, the opposite happened. While the evening was enjoyable, I came to the conclusion that this is not something I need to be happy, and it would be stupid of me to give up all that I have going for me in my girlfriend in order to pursue this pastime. Basically, when I am sober, I have a very positive idea of the concept of tripping. It is exciting, and I really look forward to the opportunity to do it. Perhaps in part, I enjoy the lifestyle more than the drugs themselves. It had actually been a long time since I had tripped, and I think I embellished the experience a bit. I realized that even though it is a fun experience, it is not as important as I make it out to be when I am sober. In this respect, the drug helped me very much to be able to put my relationship and the decisions I make in perspective, and I feel that I have jumped a major hurdle that was holding me back in my relationship.

Following the experience, I had about 233mg of the substance left, with no immediate plans to consume it. While it is not completely ruled out for the future, I don't see it on my immediate horizon. Regardless, I feel that this chemical is one that is very gentle in nature, and would be a good starting psychedelic for someone. I am thankful for the conclusions drawn that night. I feel like I can now truly be happy.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49033
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2006Views: 7,184
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4-HO-DiPT (281) : Relationships (44), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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