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Eternity of Gas Stations
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Captain Pistachio. "Eternity of Gas Stations: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp49046)". Feb 1, 2022.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum
My friend J and I are in his room. This is at our college. A friend of ours comes by with someone who is selling salvia. So after J and I consult we decide on purchasing $5.00 worth of salvia. Mind you this is a whole plastic ziplock lunch-bag of the plant matter.
Soon our friend and his buddy leave J's room. J and I set about packing a bowl of the salvia in a rosewood pipe. First my friend takes two large hits. Then J passes the pipe to me. I take two large hits and wait. This is not longer than a second or two. After these second two things happen as follows:

1- J goes, 'Ow!', and grabs his head. 'This stuff is giving me a migraine!' he says. J sits for roughly fifteen minutes holding his head until his headache subsides.

2- I begin to trip quite strongly. All of a sudden I am in the midst of an eternity of gas stations. These stations are in front of me and behind me. I am in the middle of an eternal road of highway. On either sides of this highway are gas stations. I start to walk. Yet no matter where I go there are gas stations. I walk into one. There is a guy with a pompador-style-haircut wearing a petrol-attendant's jump-suit. This suit is reminiscent of the fifties. He waves at me in a friendly manner. I begin to walk out of the gas station and walk on the highway road. I begin to laugh out loud. This is as an old man's jolly laugh. The absurdity of the endless gas stations just cracks me up.
Soon the my just trip just comes to an end. I am back in my friend J's room. He is recovering from his headache and I have a smile on my flushed face.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 49046
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2022Views: 414
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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