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First Bad Roll
Citation:   Digital_K. "First Bad Roll: An Experience with MDMA (exp4908)". Jan 31, 2001.

2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
After 4 previous sessions with these same lovely pills and each better than the last I was indeed excited about this one. This time I was going to take two and make it a grand finale before I take a good two month break as to not overstress by body.

As usual I was excited and got home immediatly and was so anxious that I took the pills without plans. I was hoping I could get out the house before they hit with my parents around. I called around, surely I could go somewhere, but no luck, I tried for 30 min and began to get really worried that I would be stuck at home. This is what scared me, I was in a real bad mind-set, which has never happened before in my 40+ times rolling, I have never had a bad roll in my life. I figured I could just listen to music and have fun, but I was just so lonely, and was sitting waiting for the pills to kick in and make me 'happy'.

After an hour, nothing, I was getting worred now, I looked in the mirror and my pupils were normal...I just sat and waited, an hour and 30 min later I started to feel a little twinge and thought this was it, but it just stayed like that and dropped down, I looked in the mirror and my pupils were huge, but I felt nothing, then I just thought about how much fun I could be having if I was out, and I got real depressed. It was really horrible, I tried to get into a good mindset with the music and closing my eyes but I just got more and more depressed, I was feeling so very tired and cold, I started shaking and and got under 8 layers of blankets but still I was cold. I didnt want to get up and drink water because I was so tired, I have never felt like this on a roll before, I closed my eyes (it was about 2 1/2 hours after ingesting the pills) I just layed and drifted off and then I started to open my eyes, my cd was off and the sun was coming through, it was 11:37 in the morning..this was horrible, how could I fall asleep...I knew these pills were MDMA as they were tested and were the same kind as before, but could my mood could of changed it that much, I am now worried about my next roll, if my bad mood could make two pills so ineffective.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4908
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2001Views: 11,062
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MDMA (3) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Alone (16)

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