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Anything in Excess is a Bad Thing
Caffeine & Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   Anchia. "Anything in Excess is a Bad Thing: An Experience with Caffeine & Sleep Deprivation (exp49264)". Erowid.org. May 4, 2011. erowid.org/exp/49264

4 cups oral Coffee (liquid)
  20 oz oral Caffeine (liquid)
  4 oral Chocolate (edible / food)
Well, it just so happens that this particular experience is still ongoing. Currently, I am eating vegetables, bread, and drinking lots of water. 6 hours ago was a very different story.

I had decided to stay up and watch tv and surf the net. It’s winter break, I have some papers to do, but I haven't done them. Well, I drank one cup of coffee and I finished off the soda that I had from subway. I think that if I hadn't had that sandwich...I would have been in much worse shape than I am now. Anyways, I went to go get another cup of coffee, some chips and salsa, and 4 pecan delights. I hustled those down and I didn't really feel anything. I had another cup of coffee when my dad got up at 4. It was crazy. Then I had another cup of coffee at 6am with my mom. Though I use sweet n low, it still doesn't calm down the caffeine that's in regular coffee.

So here I am, no sleep, junk food, coffee and soda. At 8 or 9, I started to get the shakes. I was shaking so much...my teeth were chattering. I almost felt as though I had to be cold because my teeth wouldn't stop chattering. I felt that I should take a bath...so I did, but it didn't help. I started freaking out thinking that I was going to die. So I got out of the bath and I was instructed by one of my friends to lie down and have lots of water.

Well this resulted in frequent visits to the bathroom. I had a terrible ache in my stomach and I tried to lay down...but I felt like I couldn't go to sleep otherwise, I wouldn't wake up. I was so alert of everything, even touching my arm was scary. I was so alert that I was paranoid. I started semi dozing off, but then I would snap out of it...it was almost like I was in a dream state and I knew I was, but I felt like if I snapped myself out of it, I wouldn't fall asleep and die.

I couldn't sit still so I would walk around the house...but, climbing the stairs was a chore and breathing even seemed to be a little more intensified. I would like to say that this is the first time that this has happened, but it's not. I just realized this sensativity to caffeine this past June. I thought it was stupid to blame it on the caffeine...but sure enough...each time I have it. I get achey and I go into panic/anxiety attacks.

This is it. I am done. I never want to experience this again, and the funny thing is that I used to drink caffeine all the time when I was younger...in my teens and such....and it never affected me. Maybe I never paid attention. But my body can't handle it anymore.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49264
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2011Views: 17,866
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Caffeine (11), Coffee (173), Sleep Deprivation (140) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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