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Expansive and Mild
Citation:   leapfrog. "Expansive and Mild: An Experience with 2C-I (exp49285)". May 4, 2018.

20 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
I had read and heard a lot about this drug through friends and reading reports on this site. I was interested in it having had curious and memorable experiences with ecstasy/mushrooms -- a great combo pack -- thinking 2ci might offer a similar route.

I ate about 20mg of 2ci at 9pm on New Years eve. I was on my own. My friends/wife were drinking/smoking pot and uninterested in experimenting with strange white powders.

20mg is a very petite amount of anything, a dusting. I drank mine with water, licked my fingers and was off.

It takes a long time for this drug to kick in. Patience is a great virtue with 2ci. It's a kind of expansive body buzz that builds and can seem deceptively ineffectual at first. I ate dinner about an hour before and probably should experiment again on an empty stomach.

For me it took about three hours before I felt affected by the substance. I was quite able to chill with friends. Hang out by the bonfire, dance, socialize. It was quite mild until about 12:30 when I started to feel disembodied.

Probably the best way I can describe the experience is like watching an intense silent movie. The sound that is not there in a kind of intense silent experience that the mind provides -- that's 2ci for me. It's very synesthetic, like mushrooms, so that there's a kind of welling roar to my visuals.

I didn't fully hallucinate though. For about two hours I had a light body buzz and that pyschidellic fascination with lights and patterns- both cliche and unavoidable. Mostly I felt very in control and slightly disappointed that I wasn't a bit more altered.

For me, 2ci is not a party drug. It's probably best for museums and shows. I didn't find it conversational. My thoughts felt clipped and a little moronic. It's milder that E and not nearly as euphoric. This drug is probably best during the day any time when the visuals are optimal.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49285
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 616
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Large Party (54)

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