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Group Hallucination
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Ketamine
Citation:   undefinedreality. "Group Hallucination: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Ketamine (exp49420)". Feb 14, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:30 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 3:00 50 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 3:45 100 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 5:00 150 mg insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 0:00 4 bowls smoked Cannabis
I have done every drug short of heroin and methamphetamine because of addictive reasons. I am going to describe about my approximate 20th time experiencing ketamine and 10th time mixed with an MDMA trip.

A guy, a girl, and I attain a vial of ketamine and cook it 'via air drying for about a day. We have six pills and 2 grams of weed.

About 11:30 pm we take our first pill and turn on the tv while we wait for the first thirty minutes to kick in. After that we have a cigarette and are close to peaking with my body sensations starting to get tingly. We then take another pill at 12:05. This is about standard for me but a hard trip for the guy and standard for the girl. The ecstacy trip is about the same as every other ecstacy trip. After the plateau became a little boring and we had talked out issues n such, we all take half a point of k (about half a bar line) at 2:30 am.

It usually takes about 5 minutes to start feeling it and ten minutes for the full effects to hit. Numbness is felt at first and stupidity but then I become so numb and dumb that I forget I am in the first place. Since it was only 50 mg we just became loose and more acceptable to the dancing ecstacy brings out.

The ecstacy trip begins to end or we know it will within the next hour so after about 45 minutes of lightshows (which are very cool on ketamine'/ecstacy) we smoked 4-5 bowls of weed and do roughly about a point.

Familiarity of the trip before pours in in 5 minutes but after that reality begins to shift. My computer which is quite quiet becomes the loudest noise in the world for all of us. I am convinced ketamine brings about audible hallucinations which plays tricks on the mind. My friend being his 2nd time doing ketamine begins to trip and get stuck in certain positions unable to move for five minutes. He will then come out talk about 'them keeping him and how they are going to take him again' he could not define them just a force above all else. The universe. Anyways he went through these cycles for about an hour slowly become more sober every time he 'came back.' I on the other hand could not read anything on my computer and my vision became extremely blurry. I started to hear music that did not exist. I do not think that any type of music currently playing affects the ketamine trip. It usually just creates a background noise to my life and controls the trip (this is all I can explain).

Either way I was in much mind control during this k trip but my motor skills were gone and many points I had forgotten I existed within a body. Turning my head felt like turning into another reality. Focusing on one item in the room felt like spending an entire lifetime in that frame of vision.

Either way Ketamine makes me very stupid so much is forgotten of the trip I experience.
Ketamine makes me very stupid so much is forgotten of the trip I experience.

Moving on about a little over an hour after doing 100 mg we all did 150 mg. The instant this hit my nose it was more powder or crystal that it could handle. I have done 0.3 coke lines no problem but this was something else. Considering I get nose bleeds very easy my entire life and had gotten one the time I did the 100 mg I did it out of the same nostril for the 150 mg. Instantaneously I felt the trip. (Right now I just got deja vu from my k trip yesterday about typing this.) Either way I was sent right back into the hole.

I personal'ly do not get a falling sensation I would rather call it my body becomes flat with the world and depth perception and perifial vision does not exist anymore. This trip was the craziest I have had ever partly because of the crystals being insufflated into my blood. Either way I was sucked into this world where everything had changed at one point there was a'nurse with a syringe it was a very 'odd hallucination, somewhat scary but nothing can really be that scary on ketamine unlike shrooms because my though processes and memory is killed a lot more. Complex thinking is hard even though I feel like I've reached a genius level, I am quite dumb. Either way I then see this aura of my friend the guy telling me to come back. The nurse begins to turn demonic and I am pulled towards it. To the right is the nurse and to the left is my friend's aura. He is telling me to come back.

'Here grab my hand I'll save you.' I grab his hand and I am instantly transported back to the real world. I am sitting in my chair back in my room. He then says to me you better watch out for the nurses. I am dumbfounded knowing I am on ketamine but unbelievable he said that.

I ask him what do you mean. He's like I saved you didnt I? I went into my mind floating around found you and saw the nurse trying to kill you.

I am freakin out as it seems we had a group hallucination. The girl next to me also apparently saw roughly the same thing but did not have the same aura of my friend I saw. I am an atheist but this... This has changed me. I do not believe the devil was taking me but I do believe in a astral or spiritual plane. Somehow my friend had contacted me through that. There is no way I was yelling anything out as I was too numb and tranqd to even talk. He said he did not hear anything anyways. I am completely lost in how to explain this. The trip was crazy for all three of us but this group interactive hallucination is one for the record books.

Eventually we passed out. I am also convinced that ketamine stays in your body for short periods of time. And taking bump after bump for hours will eventually put me in the hole as it cumulates even though I dont do the standard 100 - 150 mg for a khole.

The end trip of MDMA mixed with ketamine and weed prepared me for the experience of a lifetime. I get open eye hallucinations on K when mixed with MDMA but not by itself. The audible hallucinations are also enhanced.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49420
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2021Views: 760
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MDMA (3), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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