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The Realest Dream Ever
Zaleplon (Sonata)
Citation:   Dr. Pill Man. "The Realest Dream Ever: An Experience with Zaleplon (Sonata) (exp49448)". May 26, 2006.

  repeated insufflated Pharms - Zaleplon (powder / crystals)
One day early summer, early 04 I discovered the most amazing drug ever, sonata (zaleplon capsules) a simple sleeping pill. the first time I used it I took only 12.5mg which was enough at the time to produce extreme time and mind perspective shifting, as well as an overwhelming happiness. Since that day I have become a frequent user of the drug, taking advantage of my friends monthly prescription (I later recieved my own prescrption.)

I had experimented many times with high doses, all seeming to produce similar, but ever changing effects. Never was it the same as before. so night I had over 20 (10mg) capsules, and decided to indulge myself in them. insufflation was always my preferred method, as it goes up powder-smooth and effects are almost instant.

The following details are hazy, as the drug also has memory impairment effects.

I was by myself in my room, probably around 12pm. it had long been my theory that the less people I was with while taking the drug, the more fucked up I would get (I later proved this theory to myself. I started out with around 50mg, it made everything in the room begin to move around in strange ways. I could feel the presence of other people in the room with me. I continued the insufflation process, probably about 20mg at a time at 15 minute intervals, everything started getting real fucked up at this point (90mg or so) the things that were moving in my field of vision before began to turn into people, I could see their faces plain as day, right in front of my eyes. They would move around slowly in inhuman ways with no expression. I would only break out of these hallucenogenic trances when I was starled by a very real tapping down under the table near my bed. I reached the peak of my dosage short after that. (I could have taken more but dont remember, at this point linear time seemed almost as ridiculous as the things I was seeing)suddenly the next thing I remember my room turned black, I felt exactly like I was dreaming.

I saw three people standing in front of me to men and a woman, I think, they seemed to be communicating telepathically amongst themselves, while focusing this eyes on me. these people were far more real then the ones I had previously seen coming out of various things. I tried communicating with them but to no avail, they continued to stand there, expressionless. At this point I could not decide if I was extremely scared or excited. These people dissapeared as instantly as they came, their exit almost synchronized with a tap from under my table. With the ghost people gone I decided to focus my attention on the tapping, which I realized was a significant event in this fucked reality.

I tried to find the source of it. Nothing. the only thing I saw was the most alien creature out of the corner of my eye, hiding in the shadows next to me. I awaited it's return with a lighter in my hand, waiting by that shadow. The first moment I turned my attention away from the beast, it appeared again, twice as clear as before. I attempted several times to light the lighter, but there was nothing there. The dissapearance of this alien creature was also synchronized with the same tap, but much louder and more startling than before.

The fear I felt was real, but somehow my mind rationalized that it was all the effect of the drug. Soon after I must have gone to sleep, that was the last thing I remember. my brain hurt in the morning when I awoke and I felt ill until I finished off the last few I had.

Overall, that was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Never had I felt something so intense and so real on a drug. sonata is by far my favorite prescription drug, with ambien, another sleep aid, as a close second. These drugs produce the strangest highs I've ever experienced, and also work well as a treatment for insomnia.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 49448
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2006Views: 17,165
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Pharms - Zaleplon (161) : Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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