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Perfect Synergy
Salvia divinorum, Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi), Hops, Blue Lotus & Cannabis
Citation:   Mannjon. "Perfect Synergy: An Experience with Salvia divinorum, Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi), Hops, Blue Lotus & Cannabis (exp49486)". Nov 17, 2009.

1 g smoked Salvia divinorum (plant material)
  1 g smoked Heimia salicifolia (plant material)
  1 g smoked Hops (plant material)
  1 g smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (plant material)
  1 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have had much experience with Salvia before. I have smoked it enough that I grow my own plants and get the same experience as with 15X or 10X extracts. I have also recently started growing my own blue lotus and Sinicuichi as well. I had always wondered about the possible synergy of Salvia, which I experience as a mostly visual herb, with sinicuichi which I experience as mostly an auditory herb. My sister had left some cannabis at my home, and I had bought hops the night before to try to make into a tea.

A word of warning: Hops are extremely bitter, whether brewed into a tea or smoked. Just as you would expect from the beer ingredient. One personal suggestion is to add some flavoring to the mix such as peppermint or spearmint. These are good to use because they can be crumbled up and smoked with the rest.

So anyways, I mixed about a gram or so of each together and I smoked 2 bowls of the mix. Suprisingly enough, the blue lotus took effects first, with a heavy sense of euphoria and calm. The sinicuichi then began to take effects as my whole body began to feel cool. Then I began to feel the familiar salvia effects, only this time, thanks to the sinicuichi, I felt cool instead of sweaty.

T- 01 min/ It's 5:37 The synergy between the salvia and the sinicuichi then became quite apparent. I live by a highway and as such I can hear the sounds of passing cars. Only this time, it sounded as though the cars were going very slow, almost at a standstill; the headlights that I saw (at this point the cannabis had taken effect as well) seemed to be moving extremely slow.

T- 05~06 min ~5:45 At this point all of the ingredients had taken their full effect. I went outside and walked around. A neighbor drove by and waved, only it seemed like I had slowed time way down. The sounds were slowed down and everything was in slow motion. With my new found ability, I had an intense urge to watch moving items. I watched the highway (from a distance), and it was incredible. All the cars were moving in slow motion. And the glow of the cars from headlights made things seen that they all had some type of force-field around them.

T- 10 min(?)/ Time unknown I began to close my eyes after I went home to what I thought was on the couch just for a second, but I couldn't remember after that if I had my eyes open or closed. I had put some music on before I left. It sounded like there was a live band outside. I just sat there and relaxed for what seemed like about 2 hours, listening to music in a very calm yet incredibly glowing mood. Color swirls abounded all around me and it seemed like I was spinning on a roundabout while on my couch.

T- ~1hr 20 min/ 7:00 I began to come down. I still felt the lingering cannabis feelings along with the hops/blue lotus very relaxed type of chill. I see now that about an hour and a half had passed.

This is perhaps the best synergy effects I have ever experianced. It was like taking a bunch of Kratom super powder, then adding about 6 beers, smoking salvia, and having a clear head about what I was experiancing even though I was hallucinating. I have tried many methods of increasing the length of time of the salvia effects, and this is the best yet. It made the salvia trip last about 30~45 minutes (I don't know how long exactly, I kinda lost that hour or so). It is also the best way to experience the power of salvia, as well as the power of the lesser known effects of sinicuichi.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2009Views: 10,043
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Salvia divinorum (44), Heimia salicifolia (150) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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