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Analyzing Psychedelic Music
Citation:   Conscious Tripper. "Analyzing Psychedelic Music: An Experience with LSD (exp49551)". May 30, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was late October, 2005. I had been tripping on acid a couple of times before, first in early 2005 and the second time shortly after midsummer. They had been pretty intense trips both, first was very visual with a short panic attack-experience because of big dosage (7 drops of liquid LSD) and the second was more mental with just 1 drop and spent outside in nature with profound perceptions about nature and myself and the involvement of fractal geometry present in everything around us.

This time I wanted to experience it all by myself with no friends around so that I could concentrate on the experience by 100% and have nothing to do with others disturbing my trip. I had got myself a good-sized piece of blotter acid a couple of weeks before I thought I was going to trip. I took the weekend free of work so I had the time to come down properly and clear my head off the possible weird thoughts and paranoia there would come and had bought myself some potato chips and candies to eat during the night if I felt hungry and an energy drink to drink if I started to feel too tired.

So, then late on the friday-evening I took the blotter from my fridge and put it first under my tongue and then after about 15 minutes, chewed it up and swallowed the rest of it. Mum was in her study and asked me to come there because she wanted to show me some beautiful picture of a cat-eye shape nebulae which was very amazing in the way how it actually looked like a cat's eye. We chatted something with her and I went back to my room and sat in front of my computer and listened to some music, goa-trance from mid 90's. I had decided to give a good listen to my favourite recordings when I was tripping. I drank a couple of beers when waiting for the onset.

About 1 hour later the acid started to kick in. I felt a warm feeling rise through my body, it started from my feet and rose up very quickly and stopped right in the middle of my chest. I looked around myself and saw that everything was a little brighter than usual, like the colour contrast would be more intense. This was similar to the earlier trips, but in a different setting, which was my room. The only difference I noticed was that I felt the alcohol's effects covering my flow of thought which was the major difference when compared to the earlier trips.

Every object started to leave patterns behind them when I looked around, but they didn't take any significant shape and were just stay-after images in the vision field. I just noticed that they would stay there longer than usual. About 1 hour later the alcohol effects wore off and my mind started to work again. I put in a goa-trance cd I enjoyed very much and went to lie down on my bed. It was one of my favourite cd's, Pleiadians - IFO to be exact and I had some good time listening to it and letting it drill my consciousness into the songs so deep that they almost became touchable. After about 2-3 songs I realized the acid had started to work and I felt really good of listening to the music and just analyzing every layer and shapes of sounds and the way they formed a good, working whole, many different wholes to be exact that made the song work just the way it should be working, giving good visual stimulation to imagination in the form of caleidoscopic shapes and some archetypal forms.

2-3 hours had passed since the digestion of the blotter piece and I felt a bit unsure about myself and started to meditate on everyday problems that came up to my mind. I light up my favourite incence and a candle and set it on the floor of my room and just sat down and started to think and I found a solution to everything I had a bad feeling about at that point and had no fear anymore and just thought that everything will go as it will go.

I had put in another recording, which was Psychopod's Dreampod and noticed that the candle fire drew funny shapes to the floor behind it which then started to take more arranging form. I stared there for a while and then again concentrated on listening to the song. The complexity of the sounds and patterns in the song gave me fantastic feeling of euphoria, as I understood that this is what psychedelic trance to me is all about, the soundscapes changing fluently and fast enough with a certain amount of strict control so that everything sounds carefully planned and very mathematically arranged.

Some hours passed and I started to feel a bit tired and went downstairs and took the energy drink from the fridge (a bottle of half litres) and drank it almost instantly. I felt my heart beat a lot faster and started to feel mentally very aware of everything. The effects of the energy drink were very clear and I felt very good afterwards. The time was about 03:30 and I definitely felt the effects of LSD since everything I looked at gave me information about itself.

I went to the other room to see our rabbit which was there in its cage and he seemed to notice that I wasn't quite sober. He had been very shy before, even though I have had him for over 6 years but now when I opened his cage he jumped out of the it and came looking & sniffing me like I was somebody totally new. It seemed perfectly clear that animals have feelings and are very sensitive, and just like us humans, they think as well, not on the abstract level but they have a consciousness which isn't so open than ours and thinks more on a survival level and isn't able to invent complex inventions.

I don't know how long I spent just observing the little one, since I was almost completely enraptured by this living being. Some hallucinations occured the same time, like feathers everywhere, with a caressing feeling and a bit of euphoria. They were caressing me and the rabbit, like we were best of friends. Suddenly I just snapped out of it and gave him something to eat and went back to my room. I started to feel tired again and went to bed, and put on Shpongle - Nothing Lasts.

Time started to slow down into really small fractions and I felt my body relax from bit by bit and the music started to feel more and more intense from my headphones when suddenly I was in a total visual world caused by it, went through different places of fractal shapes and every sound and detail in the song gave me visual stimulation so that it was like a guided dream. And what a beautiful dream it was. Suddenly my consciousness woke up and I opened my eyes and my room was still there and there were no hallucinations except that everything was bending and stretching from direction to another.

Then I closed my eyes and the recording took me to a place where there were lots of people watching a show where some guy was breathing fire. It was fantastic since it happened because of the music which was so profoundly done and detailed that the songs completely came alive in a visual sense. As the cd evolved, my consciousness started to fall asleep further and further and the last time I looked the time it was about 09:30. I was still conscious when the cd ended but fell asleep very quickly after that. I slept about 4 hours and woke up feeling very fresh and both mentally & physically good, with a very positive attitude towards the day. All and all, this was my best psychedelic trip so far, besides LSD I have had a few with mushrooms but this was something completely different from them. But that's another story. :)

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49551
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2007Views: 7,903
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