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I Was Injected in a Prison Experiment
Citation:   Vernon M.. "I Was Injected in a Prison Experiment: An Experience with Ditran (exp4958)". Mar 1, 2001.

  IV Ditran
Ditran Given in Prison Experiment

I was incarcerated at the washington state penitenery at walla walla washington. In sept.1961 I was approached by the prison doctors. I was told that if I took part in an experiment that the parole board would look upon it favorably. They were using a drug called Ditran with which I was injected once and sometimes twice a week between sept. 61 and march 62.

In june of 62 I was released with no warnings about possible side effects.over the next 39 years I would have blackouts and flashbacks. sometime in 1964 I believe it was, I left my apartment in seattle to get a quart of milk and came to 30 days later in jail in new mexico with no idea how I had gotten there.

Exp Year: 1961-1962ExpID: 4958
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2001Views: 1,520
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Ditran (854) : Hospital (36), Post Trip Problems (8), General (1)

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