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Nature, Love and Friendship, on New Years
Citation:   Toshizo. "Nature, Love and Friendship, on New Years: An Experience with MDMA (exp49590)". Erowid.org. Dec 31, 2018. erowid.org/exp/49590

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My two best friends wanted me to experience E for the first time, and they said that I would have no better experience than to do it with them. We planned it out a couple days in advance to do it on New Years eve in the afternoon. We decided we would drive up into the mountains and hike while rolling. We parked at a hiking spot, the weather was very cold, but the landscape was beautiful.

We started to walk from the car and while walking my friend asks me, 'how do you feel?'
'fine', I say, 'I feel kind of a normal high right now, but nothing too extreme.'

Then it began to hit me in waves, almost with every step I took. We walked up a hill to some rocks where I peed. While I was peeing, all I could think to myself was 'I am SO happy right now!'. I returned to my two best friends proclaiming 'I'm so happy right now guys, this is so great'.

We basically sat on those rocks, looked around at the landscape, and appreciated nature and each other. It was absolutely beautiful. Then it started to drizzle.

The cool rain falling on my face was one of the most amazing things I've ever felt. We decided it was time to go back to the car, before it started to rain too hard. On the way back, I happily talked about experiences I had while in Japan with my friend (who was present and rolling with me too). Just recalling the simplest of memories was amazing and a complete joy.
recalling the simplest of memories was amazing and a complete joy.

We then decided to run back to the car. We traversed hills and shrubs and streams. It was almost as if we were a pack of wolves. That was the brotherhood we shared at the time while we were rolling. We were like wolves.

We got back to the car, got out sleeping bags from the back (I realized any kind of blanket is a necessity.), pushed the two front chairs forward as far as they could go so we could stretch our legs out, and then just sat the back of the car together listened to some great chill music (Boards of Canada, and a few others), smoked lots of weed (another necessity), and just talked. We talked about many things, many problems we've been having, talked about many experiences we've, just about many things that we would not normally casually talk about. We drank powerades that we bought at a convience store and also from large bottles of water that we had brought (also a necessity). Outside the window the raindrops sliding down the glass were beautiful. Hours flew by. We stayed in the car for almost four hours. We decided to leave (it was dark at the time, probably around 5 or 6) and head back home. After all, this night was not yet over.

We arrived back home for our New Years party, where we met with all the rest of our friends. We were way past the peak, and on our down, but still were feeling pretty good. Later in the night the three of us actually started to feel the effects AGAIN (although no where near as strong as the peak, of course), and we managed to somehow bring all the other people at the party up to our level of 'love', meaning we were able to get everyone to lay under blankets with each other, hold hands with each other, and give backrubs.

I must say that this experience has brought me closer to all of my friends, especially my two best. It's an experience I will not soon forget, and we plan to roll again next new years, except doing something completely different.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49590
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2018Views: 839
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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