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The Spirit of the Valley
Citation:   Shamanblood. "The Spirit of the Valley: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp49683)". Jan 30, 2021.

2 hits oral LSD
  1 tablet oral MDMA
I have tried candyflippin before and had some very spiritual, enlightening experiences. I decided to report this experience, to example the self-exploring possibilities of this combination.

In the last few years I tried to take psychedelics in very ritualistic, natural environment. I'm an active Zen Buddhist as well and meditating for the last 6 years.

I'm really interested into experimental,dark,industrial,psy-trance music and my friend drew my attention to an upcoming bushparty.

We hit the road on Friday evening and since living in the West Coast,very soon, started to rain. By the time we got close the spot where the party was going on, the rain was pouring and we got lost on some forgotten logging road.
The Courage was with me and after driving in the dark and heavy rain for 2 hours, we found the campsite, where the party was. In the very first 5 minutes, we found 5 hits of acid and 3 tabs of MDMA (E).For the first 3 hours we tried to orientate ourselves to the place and meet some of the psychonauts.

The music sucked, it wasn't really dark/industrial/psy, but more like drum'n'base/dance.

Around midnight we decided to drop the acid, my wife unexperienced with LSD, took the MDMA only.

The coming on was clean and smooth. We sat around a fire in drizzle and tried to stay away from the music. Two guys showed up and begun to play on didgeridoo and some handdrums.I was pretty restless and kept walking between the fire and my car:the result was to completely get lost in the surronding forest, in the dark, in the rain, peaking on acid.

The most surpising feeling was, that I didn't freaked out- I actually felt like being in my REAL HOME. I hugged a tree (this is the way treehuggers born,lol) and tried to stay, where I'am.

I was crystal clear, free from my EGO, breathing the humid air, holding on the tree. A gal with flashlight came by, asking if everything is OK.I was glad to see her and she helped me get back to the camp. My friends were still sitting around the fire, my wife had a regressive trip (going back into former lifes).

The big surprise happened in the morning. We realized, that we are next to the river in a flood area in a huge valley.
Small group of people were sitting around the fire, having tea and coffee and lighting up the early morning joints.I decided to drop a pill of MDMA, took my wife and went for a hike.

We had the deepest conversation and comprehended some of the finest details of our relationship (now ongoing for 13 years).

We bumped into our friend walking in the forest. We all sat on the moss carpet and had a short meditation-contemplation session.

The MDMA was starting to peak, my EGO dissapeared again. There was something very ancient,powerful sensation took over me.I was transformed into a Native American-Indian, a Pathfinder.

We hiked the surrounding area and 5 hours later decided to go home. The rain was downpouring all the way home.I had no hangover or anything. Had a normal, good sleep. The spiritual experience is alive up to date ( 6 months later).
The interesting thing was, that I couldn't participate in the party at all: I was lost in the forest or hiked the area, but this is turned out to be in the favour of The Most Enlightening Panteistic Experience of the last year.

'When The Spirit Of A Man Decays, The Fire Is Only A Cold Ocean Breeze.'

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49683
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2021Views: 685
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MDMA (3), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Various (28)

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