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Flipping Walls
Citation:   Koey Loon. "Flipping Walls: An Experience with Ketamine (exp49745)". Dec 30, 2018.

  repeated inhaled Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My Day With K

Ok. So...I left with my friend, D, around 6:00 A.M. We were driving an hour north so he could go to class. (Really dumb to commute that far.) I was just there so he didn't fall asleep. We got into town and figured we try and locate some pot. We stopped these kids walking downtown and after much conversation...we ended up going to by a pack of papers so they could roll a joint. The deal was that they would smoke us up if we gave them a ride to the Pennsylvania border. Ok...easy enough. So after that whole ordeal we went to one of D's friends apartments. We sat there for a really long time trying to decide if D should go to class or just to say screw it. After much deliberation...we drove over to another friends house ,S, to see if he could hook us up. Now...I forgot to mention...but the main reason I was with D was to go get some mushrooms while he was in class. We already had a quarter set up and I just needed to pick it up.

So we got to S's house. Where I have to stay in the car because I'm not allowed in the house. (long story) So I sat there for about 15 minutes until D and S came down to the car. S had known I had wanted to try Ketamine for a long time...since I used to do a lot of DXM. So S took me and D into his house (bad idea) to try this stuff out. He broke out 5 huge lines for me. I looked at him and wondered if that much was safe. But, oh well...why not? Ketamine has the worst tasting drip I've ever had. So I sat there for a while until it started to hit me. It felt so good. I haven't felt like that for months because I refuse to do DXM anymore. Not because I don't like it. But, I fear for my stomach.

So...the K had hit me full blown by now. I had no idea what to do. I looked at the walls and saw a piece of candy wrapper fold out of nowhere. I also had the hum in my head. Oh...that wonderful K hum. Every time S heard something outside of the room...he would make me jump into the closet. The closet was insane. There was a whole other universe in the darkness. I could see everything and anything I wanted. Eventually...S talked D into buy the gram of K from him. I was to fucked up to say no. I really wanted to eat mushrooms. So all I could do is feel dissapointed inside. Me and D finally left. He walked off really fast and I screamed after him DARRELL! WAIT! Which, in that house, is a very very bad thing to say. goes along with the reason I'm not supposed to be in the house. I have no idea how I walked down the stairs. All I knew was that I shouldn't be this messed up at 10:00 A.M. We finally get to the car and I'm in a state of WHAT DO I DO? So confused. I screamed at people when we drove by. I couldn't help it. I yelled at people and told them I was FLIPPING WALLS...(or tripping balls.) D drove to another friend's place to let him try the K. He enjoyed it very much. He had done a lot of DXM with me. The buzz of DXM and Ketamine...are very much alike. If you do enough DXM that is. So D and I finally decided to head home...since he had to work. Which sucked cuz I had to wait until 11:00 P.M. to break into the K again. D finally showed up at my house after work. He brought an ounce of pot for the K extravaganza. ( gotta work with what you can get.)

We sat in my room and did line after line after line. We did the K until we couldn't figure out how to do anymore. Not only could I not inhale...but I couldn't figure out how to get the straw down to the K. We watched some religious show for a while. It seemed to important to change. I kept forgetting where I was and who I was and where I was again. D got sucked into an electrical outlet and laid against my wall with his finger in the outlet for about an hour. We didn't really get to smoke much pot since we got messed up to do anything. I was afraid of the outside would...which didn't exist because I couldn't see it. All in's very hard to describe the trip I had. D's head was a giant eye ball. Other than that....everything else just was a crazy trip. I can really do it any justice by describing it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2018Views: 827
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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