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Subhuman on Crack Cocaine
Crack Cocaine
Citation:   cubicleboy. "Subhuman on Crack Cocaine: An Experience with Crack Cocaine (exp4977)". Jan 10, 2002.

4 hits smoked Crack
I am a 3rd year university student with a history of drug abuse as a teenager. From the age of 16, I have abused halucinogenic drugs, alcohol and marijuana until I detoxed on my own will in december of 1997 and stayed clean for over 2 years. I used drugs to get away from myself as I am bisexual and I used to be tortured by the way I felt about it. Many bisexual/gay people have lived a similar experience. Not helping was the fact that I had moved a lot and felt like I had no roots.

Soon after detox, I decided to tackle life by studying to become a successful professional. All went very very well (I aced my courses and got great jobs) until I had major depression in september 2000 (not related to drug abuse but to personal problems). I was hospitalised and made friends there, including a very pretty 37 year old woman. At the time, I didn't know she was an inveterate crackhead, but I was soon to find out. Still depressed but off all medication except tranquilisers by that time, I called her one of those days and went to her place. This is when I smoked crack cocaine for the first... AND LAST TIME!!!

Here goes the experience... She cooked the cocaine in a spoon using baking soda and water. A yellowish precipitate formed and she scrubbed it out of the spoon with a knife. This was the crack. Then, using a simple pipe, she put a piece of crack in the pipe and she inhaled. Since I am a depressed former drug addict, I was vulnerable and was not able to resist the temptation to try. So I took a big puff and... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMM!

I felt like I had been hit by a 50 pound mase on the head. It is by far the strongest high I had ever had. Even two LSD hits were nothing compared to that. The headrush was so powerful that I almost lost consciousness. Yet the extreme high subsided quickly and I took in a couple more puffs. I was in a severely disrupted physical and mental state. Physically, I needed to move badly. I felt like a battery operated toy that works on 2 volts but that had been plugged on a 900 volt battery! My body wanted to dance, dance, dance and have sex. Oh yes SEX! My libido was increased to a point you couldn't imagine. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer and this is what stopped me from taking in more of the drug.

Mentally I was wasted. My memory was awful, my inhibitions almost completely gone, my judgment was severely impaired, my perception of time was completely messed-up and the only things I thought about were dancing and having wild horny sex. I told this to my friend and she said it was normal. I was in such an altered state that I asked her if she felt like having some of the wildest and kinkiest sex in the world! I felt like a superlover, a sexmaniac, a penis brain. Did I mention sex? And this is not me! I like sex a lot, but I am not a maniac and I was never that obsessed with sex, not even when I was drunk as a skunk. Since my friend was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, I apologized. Yet I could not think about anything else. I wanted to do her so bad... and she knew, yet she was so hooked on cocaine that she had lost all interest in sex. She had a cute younger guy next to her and she had zero libido...

To be able to sleep that night, I had to take in a quadruple dose of tranquilisers and it barely worked. The next few days I was still hyper and still obsessed with sex. This sex thing was starting to seriously annoy me. I had tremors, dry mouth, a slight headrush, backpain, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and sexual thoughts for days and days after the experience.

I guess I am one of those lucky people who tried cocaine and ended up hating it. I say lucky because a friend and a cousin have completely lost their mind due to crack cocaine addiction.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4977
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2002Views: 70,097
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Crack (82) : Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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