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Boggles the Mind
2006 LSD Symposium, Basel
Citation:   Jilola. "Boggles the Mind: An Experience with 2006 LSD Symposium, Basel (exp49776)". Jan 24, 2006.

What an amazing experience being among over a thousand highgly intelligent, creative and above all friendly people sharing their experiences, creations, thought and ideas during the three days. People speaking about their lifechanging experiences, displaying sublime pieces of art trying to grasp the experience, excited about their projects to come, speaking eloquently about the need for more research.

It boggles the mind that all that was made possible basically because of a substance that has been demonised beyond almost any other chemical known to man.

The unadulterated admiration, respect and gratitude toward Dr Hoffman was at times tangible in the air and in the sincere words of the many participants. Never have I seen a single man get no less than three standing ovations in one session alone.

I wish those who are so vehemently against a reasonable policy of legalising psychoactive substances had been there to share the experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49776
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2006Views: 7,045
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Conferences (361) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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