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Our Mother Is Dying
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Mr. Al. "Our Mother Is Dying: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp49882)". Erowid.org. Feb 28, 2006. erowid.org/exp/49882

50 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
In this report the 2 humans in question will be known as Mr.A & Mr.B. The trip commenced New Years eve 2005 and ran over into New Years' day. The setting is an unspeciefied coastal, rural,&peaceful place. Cacti consumed in question is Peruvian torch.

My friend Mr.B. prepared the cacti (Appr. 50 grams inner flesh of cacti each), as he is more experienced in such matters. I found the flavor of the cacti tea we consumed to be not altogether disagreeable in comparison to the p.harmala potentiated DMT&5meoDMT trips we are accustomed to. However, the sliminess of the concoction had the most horrid 'mouthfeel' I have ever encountered. The extreme bitterness reassured us as to the obvious presence of alkaloids. The trip rolled in about 2 hours after ingestion and lasted approximately 16 hours. Four hours into the trip Mr.A&B. went upstairs to check out our favorite purple Tibetan mandala wallhanging. The elephants were very clearly runnning all around the trippy spiral shape. The artwork was breathing. Mr.A&B then commented to each other that the eye of the mandala appeared to be looking out at each of us in turn, changing its focus from time to time on each of us.

We were becoming more aware of a powerful presence that took over our surroundings. Everything began to breath with HER presence. During this trip was the first time I came into direct contact with the feminine power that is 'in charge of' the cacti, as well as Mother Earth Herself. I learned through direct experience that we are all her children. I learned that through the destruction of the Earth's environment we are killing her. In spite of this she still loves us. It seems that she is only capable of love. I discovered that all (or almost all) of what is called energetic healing (including Reiki) comes from HER... I experienced what I knew to be the smallest bit of the pain she is always in. It was incapacitating and unbearable. I cried uncontrollably for a little while then. I also felt a tangible physical pain that was absolutely no joke on the left side of my abdomen slightly below my ribs. Much of the trip was spent apologizing to HER for how much pain we have inflicted upon HER. I felt deeply upset that we have collectively harmed our mother to such an astoundingly horrible degree.

This was the most intensely spiritual experience I have ever encountered. After this I recognize psychoactive plant materials (especially cannabossum sp??) to be Sacrament. This was a painful and sombering experience to have as a human. I have to say that this was extraordinarily positive. I have promised HER that I will do all I can to help her. I am currently attempting (with the help of various Sacraments in relatively large doses) to contact a certain female BEING that is extraordinarily powerful to ask her to help our Mother. I don't think it's O.k. for me to do this because THAT individual is someone a foolish mortal like myself shouldn't even think of contacting... But given the fact that I usually question authority anyway and given the fact that this would be altruistic in Nature I really don't care about the Spiritual Bureaucratic Laws involved. Yes, my friends, there is Bureaucracy in the higher dimensions.....

New Years morning I decided (the Buxom Cacti Goddess gets lonely and loves interacting socially) to go out to brunch at a restaurant I certainly cannot afford to eat at (some of my comparatively wealthier relatives picked up the tab). I coming down but still tripping my balls off. The restaurant staff appeared mildly alarmed at my still severely dilated pupils. Fine motor coordination was still a bit off. I ordered some tea and Eggs Benedict. After one bite I found that I couldn't eat any more. Animal foods repulsed me. I usually love Eggs Benny. The restaurant patrons were making comments and snickering a bit. I became somewhat apprehensive. Someone (I think the sexually vociferous Buxom Cacti Goddess) said; 'You are sitting at your Mother's table right now and eating HER food. She approves of your behaviour and therefore the humans' opinions Do Not Matter!' This relaxed me quite a bit and I began smiling at the socially acceptable well-dressed types who were attempting to look down upon me. What followed was interesting... They IMMEDIATELY shut up and began to avert THEIR eyes!! They could simply not contend with the powers of the Psychedelic Plant Goddesses that were kind enough to keep me safe from troublesome individuals!!! It felt enormously satisfying I enjoyed the rest of the brunch immensely.

The waitress, w/o my behest, kept supplying me with tea. This increased my bathroom visits to engage in multiple pleasant non-hallucinatory urinations. (It has been my experience that mesc. does some very strange things to my genital area...)The teenage bus-boy, upon making eye-contact with me, visibly jumped. It seemed that he was the only (human) individual around that truly apprehended the gravity of the situation... This was a beautiful experience. I only recommend excercising extreme caution regarding publicly tripping in broad daylight. This whole experience was very, very real folks. Our Mother is dying right now. I humbly beseech all of you to actively help her in every way you can. This involves taking care of and cleaning up the environment (HER wounded body), to raising the vibrational level of your consciousness (as FAST as you can, there's not much time left people), to sending EARTH your Love and Healing every single day. None of the above information came from myself. It came from the aforementioned Female Beings. Thus, all of this is experientially verifiable! Please carefully consider what I have said.

It's like what Master J. said regarding the question 'Where is Heaven??' J.s reply - 'Go look under a rock.'

I wish all of you brothers and sisters love and peace.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49882
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2006Views: 14,769
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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