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The Only Thing Left to try..
Citation:   THERAVER. "The Only Thing Left to try..: An Experience with Ketamine (exp49944)". Feb 25, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 bump insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
For a Long time I have looked down on K because of the “anasetic for hoarse/ elefant” factor, I would say to myself that I would never snort something made for a horse. I had only recently seen people use it and had absolutely no knowledge of the effects. My best friend P had used it for the first time a few months back and at a “ death tempting frenzy” at a rave he had, Long story ( took 8 of everything he could get his hands on, mdmd,lsd,K,Speed,and god knows what).

I’ve always been the one of our group of friends that uses drugs first and overuses them but in this case it was his turn to bring me to the world of Special K. The first few times I was offered it I would deny it, until yesterday. I got a call from P saying that he had been to a drum & base party in Milan and had got some K left over from the night before and that I should come over in the evening and try it out with him, strangely I only thought about it for 5 seconds and said “ why the hell not” so it was on. That evening I went over to his house and we had a plate of pasta and headed out into his garden and made a fire (coz his parents were home) and I decided I wanted to see him take a line before I did, I’m always very cautious about trying new things, apart from the 2 super hoffmans that I took drunk and lived to regret it, anyway he did a line for him and left a bump for me so he did his, and then I waited 5 minutes, during this time I kept looking at the mirror and then finaly jumped on it and snorted it 8.35. the drip made my throught feel “fresh”.

8.40 : started to feel like there was something different about everything.

8.45 : defiantly something has changed in my perception of things, I looked at the ground and it had a very strong colour, hard to describe, but somewhat similar to the last hallucinations lsd gives you before it leaves, then P told me to stand up coz it would feel weird and at the same time he was shaking his arm saying it was plastic and kept shaking it lol, so I got up and walked around and my sense of balance was off quite a bit but my legs seemed to move not because I told them to but coz I wanted to move in a direction so they complied and went there, strange feeling..

8.55 : me and P decide to take a walk and do a big line before we go.

9.00 still trying to do the line and manage to put it down onto the mirror.

9:05 P and me Snorted the line and started walking out to the gate that seemed miles away, got to the gate and started walking towards the park where you can get hash.

9:15 only half way there and we were walking really weird and kept fixating on certain things and then look back at P and then carry on walking, by this time it felt like I was drunk but without the feeling sick part.

9:30 : we weren’t in the city where we were five minutes ago, we were somewhere else, but we were here the city looked completely different but exactly the same, like my perception of space and depth got messed up along the way so the buildings would seem so high and as if they were reaching up for something.

9.35 got some hash and sat down, and I remember looking at a row of trees I’ve never seen before, it was so long I couldn’t believe it, I had my mouth open and was staring at the trees in shock, then we moved to another bench and we lit up , then we started talking, and then I suddenly asked “Where are we ??” “ have we moved ? “ I could remember those rows of never ending trees and couldn’t see them anymore but couldn’t remember moving.

9.45 we were coming down and feeling a bit cold ( winter is a bitch here -10 at night) so we headed back home, the journey back flew past, but started to feel a bit like throwing up, but ignored it, when we got inside and sat on the couch watching TV I felt really weird, I felt like when your on H and I'm sitting on the couch and I have no intention of moving coz I feel like you’ve become a part of the couch, I'm so heavy and numb.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
Unluckily I had to go home on my bike so I said bye to P and lit up a cigarette and put my helmet on and started towards my bike, by the time I got to my bike” that was outside the gate” it felt like and hour had past. So I set of for the 30km drive home, apart from being freezing it fels like everything had slowed down, I would be doing 100km/h and it felt like I was doing 5, I could see every part of the tarmac even tho everything still had that drunk feeling to it, my braking distances were messed up but ive been driving bikes for so long I don’t even have to think to brake I just do so there was no imminent threat, the drive home took 45 minutes instead of the usually 30 minutes, half way I was so cold and messed up I went into the vachium of a Mercedes truck and just fixated and the emblem for about 10 minutes until I reached my house and went inside.

By now this was 11 and I was feeling a bit under the weather and quite cold, I went into the fridge got a drink . and went to bed.

And as I was writing this I got a call from P’s father asking me what was the powder substance that we had snorted the night before, and where he got it.. because P could hardly talk the night before so I imagine they found him out. So I’m not gonna be seeing him anytime soon..

I will defiantly try K again but probably in the comfort of my own home and not out on the freezing streets.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 1,196
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Ketamine (31) : Various (28), First Times (2), General (1)

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