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Fucking Con!
DOC, MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   The R Bird. "Fucking Con!: An Experience with DOC, MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Nitrous Oxide (exp49970)". Feb 24, 2006.

T+ 0:00
3.0 mg oral DOC (liquid)
  T+ 3:30   oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 4:30 1.0 mg oral DOC (liquid)
  T+ 7:30 10 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 17:50 3.0 mg oral DOC (liquid)
  T+ 27:30 3.0 mg oral DOC (liquid)
  T+ 30:00 0.5 tablets insufflated MDMA (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 32:00 1.5 mg oral DOC (liquid)
  T+ 37:50 4 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 52:00 1 tablet   MDMA  
  T+ 0:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 56:00 1 tablet   MDMA  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I'm a very tripped out person, sometimes I feel my sanity is only tolerable when I'm on Phenethylamine chemicals because they put sand in my gears in a way that my consciousness doesn't change, but my head slows down to the point where I can control my thinking exceptionally well, and to me thats better than the high itself. My experience with drugs is unbelievably great, I can keep my cool under any circumstance almost, because I have done so much.
There are some SPECIFIC rules with DOC that are true for me:
1.) Time SLOWS down (This con was one weekend, it felt at least like a week)
2.) Alcohol in moderate dosages will either force me to come up or intense the body high, and sometime the visuals
3.)Music makes sense.

anyways let's introduce you to my story...

I'm going to take my 'I need to clear my head so this will be my last trip for a while' and this was my vacation from the world, so I decided I would goto a convention, a rather interesting one (with fursuiters and everything), for a good reasoning, it's nicknamed Fucking Con!

I started the day off by going to class at 10AM, and left for the convention which is only about 10 miles away from me at about noon. I wander about for a while.

4:30 PM Friday
+0:00 I go up and see a friend's room her name is J, she's chilling with me and I watch her smoke weed (I don't smoke pot), and in comes in our friend Z, he sits on the bed in the room. And I get out the small thermos, and a baby syringe. I dose me and J at 3mgs, and my friend Z, with 1mg. We chill out in the room for a good while, probably about an hour and half. Me and J start feeling the come-up, which literally feels like a psychedelic brick wall for 2-4 hours at 2mgs or more. It feels like I'm being crushed into my own body into this other realm but my eyes says it's not so, so I know it's not real, it's just fine and it's creepy. It can't be truly described any better way, it is something that needs to be experienced, (but it has kicked everyone's ass in high dosages that I know other than mine and 2 friends) so after that we go to my car to get some Ativan, so that J's girl can chill out for a bit. Then all of a sudden time slows the fuck down. (I constantly look at my cell phone for the time after this point in time)

8 PM
Coming up is beautiful, my friend J is having a great time too. I start drinking some mixed drinks at a random room party, I go out for a cigerette, I get lost in the clouds having a random conversation with someone. I see my friend Z, he's like, I feel very very nice, but I feel like I'm borderlining into his trip, I feed him anoth .8mgs of DOC. After that moment we started to rock out to metal til about midnight.

9:00 PM
+4:30 Dose another mg

12:15 AM Saturday
I found another random party, this guy whips out a beer, gives it to me. We start drinking and talk as I look up at the stars making random shapes and colors running through it. it feels a bit surreal because it looked like there was prism rainbows going all through it. So I chill with this guy T, we go to his room and drink about about 10 beers a pop. I got way way way drunk because I don't have much alcohol resistance, I was so drunk it overrode my psychedelic, and I wasn't tripping anymore, I was drunk and that was it.

4:30 AM
The alcohol starts wearing off. The walls turn into rainbows, and all feels right again, and I knock out and sleep.

10:20 AM
I wake up with a hangover, I think for a while, and I decide to dose myself another 3 mgs, and after about an hour, my friend Z asked for a ride over to his house which was about 10 minutes away. I really don't like to drive intoxicated EVER, but the DOC from the night before was nice and level, I was in a more calm headspace than I normally am (I'm hyper as all hell, and I'm beyond ADD, drugs slow down my brain enough to let me think sometimes). I told him I really didn't want to, but IF HE really needed to go home, you have 35 minutes to get from here to his house and back that I would feel reasonably safe to drive him. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] I did and we got there and back in about 30 minutes or so.

I made it back in time, after 10 minutes of getting back, I hit the brick wall hard, and I didn't have that hangover anymore. I sit out by the pool area and smoke about 5 cigs and listening to Bounzz 2004 DJ Zany's CD for a good 50-60 minutes, just staring up at the clouds watching airplanes go by with bubbles clouds of rainbows encircling them. Also watching the sky move around in fast and slow motion with rainbow of colors just digging through them, and the birds were so beautiful, as they flew through the air they made short rainbow trails behind them. I mentally prep my head to go and deal with people. Nobody guesses that I'm intoxicated because everyone at the con has their own little weirdness to them, only people that knew, were probably the people that knew me in general.

12 PM
A friend of mine goes to Jack in the Box, I go with him and get two tacos! Food is my friend. I devour them fast, and I just browse around the convention for a good 4-5 hours and talk to random people.

7 PM
+27:30 Time to take another 3mg of DOC! I'm going to come up at the rave at the convention here, hit the psychedelic brick wall with some Hardcore and Psytrance. Unfornately... I found out that the dance was slightly delayed for 2 hours. So I would catch it at the tail end of my comeup.

9:30 PM
+30:00 A friend, R, gives me a half pill, I bump it as soon as I get it. I start drinking some Mickey's and making Malibu Rum and Kahlua, and making it for others. I talk to my friend R, and he giggled about how he took 2 hits of acid, and a hit of e. I told him I bumped that pill so in all fairness, I would be equally etared, and I'm on so much DOC that it would make experienced people go insane (which it did), so I'm probably the most fucked up one at this con, I told him how much I have dosed, he's dropped his jaw, and I told him I might take some more. Just because there really isn't anything better for me to do for the next two days.

11:30 PM
T comes up to me, and asked me for something to make his roll from going down completely. I told DOC is not a fucking joke drug, he giggled a bit, I looked at him for a second, and I decided that I would dose him at 1-1.5mgs avoiding the brick wall and getting light visuals and/or cleanest roll feel body high. I took another 1.5 mgs I gave him a 1.2 mgs and he seemed to really like it, the only part he didn't was that it didn't give him ANY energy, I laughed and I said I know. We dance and drink at the dance for a good 2 hours or so.

2:15 AM Sunday
I meet this one guy and we talk about history and politics (my favorite subject), while drinking scotch and beer, for a good 3 hours. I then saw L, we smoked a cig and enjoyed a beer, and he went off to bed.

5:20 AM
I saw my friend D, and went up to a random room. I had a couple smokes with him, I ended getting another half pill, I bump it once more, drank more boozes, and I did about 4 canisters of nitrous, listening to Dune - Rising, and Dune - Million Miles away from home right after it. (It's my flashback song). When I did the canisters, it made the walls show waves of energy and color, it blended in with the music as time slowed down as I took the 2 cartridges at a time with my canister, (I don't use ballons, I don't want to hyperventalate and hurt my poor brain as already as fucked up as it is, I take it, and I can dilate my lung in mid-process, and make 2 canisters last about 5 minutes and still be in the same trip).

9:00 AM
I put my stuff back up in my car, and I walk back to con, and see D again, we hang for a while and smoke cigs.

12:30 PM
My dealer calls me, tells me to pick up my pills from him in the city, I'm too fucked up to drive, so my friend D drives me down to the city, we get the pills, I sell a few. I HAVE MONEY! I go out and eat some food, cause I'm fucking hungry. I haven't eaten anything worth a good sized meal since those two Jack in the Box tacos the other day. After eating it feels like rolling decently, and the visuals get a wee bit stronger.

7:30 PM
I hit an after con party, get drunk again I decide to drop a pill because I have some, and do about a box at most of nitrous in a random room somewhere, because of the resistance the DOC has probably given me the last 3 days, it was pretty good but not great, even though thats what I was hearing from everyone else. I chilled out and made the box span from about 8PM to about 3:30AM in the morning.

1:00 AM Monday
I was bored, and dropped another pill. Just a extra nice body high with the DOC just kind of exiting the body. I feel really warm and fuzzy inside but it feels good.

6:00 AM
I finally fall asleep after a long time, and just relax. The Fucking Con is over to me, and I'm going to just relax and be myself. I fall asleep for the first time in two days.

12:15 PM
I woke up, got around, ate food, and after an hour or two left, and went home to relax and chill. I was still slightly tripping off the DOC but it was in a very very calm place. Long as I didn't stare into the sky and get lost in it, I was fine, and I always pay attention to the cars. It was a nice day out, and I had a blast.

Overall it was blast. I think the next two months that I said I will not do any drugs shall be a good time to get my head straight. It was fun tripping as hard as I did, but I need to find that reasoning of who I am inside me. I needed to quit for a while so when I see a shrink to get the help that I need to chill out my ADHD, they won't think I'm some kind of drug addict nut.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49970
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2006Views: 17,709
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DOC (357) : Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1), Various (28)

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