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Curl Like Smoke
Tobacco & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   moeburn. "Curl Like Smoke: An Experience with Tobacco & Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp50010)". Mar 11, 2018.

.5 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
    smoked Tobacco
Tobacco really messes me up.

First time, i found an unsmoked cig on the ground. Decided to smoke the whole thing. The smoke was harsh, but thats fine, i'm used to smoking weed anyway.

About halfway through, i was so dizzy i couldn't even stand up. I tossed the cig on the ground, and fell on my hands and knees taking huge breaths and trying not to faint. I was very close.

Second time, i tried smoking a cigar. After about an inch was smoked, the exact same thing happened. I was incredibly dizzy, like nitrious oxide after you've been spinning on your legs for a few minutes.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50010
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2018Views: 1,080
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