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Paranoid Delusions
Citation:   anonymous. "Paranoid Delusions: An Experience with Crack (exp50109)". Jun 23, 2007.

  repeated smoked Crack
well let's see... I have smoked crack many times. the first time I tried smoking it I was living in the detroit, MI area for a brief time. I was scared when my roomates offered me some, I had no idea what to expect and like anybody else I had heard many horrible things about crack. the reality was I loved it. during the time that i was living with these people we would smoke crack every weekend, buying about $100-$150 every friday night and smoking it out of an altered tire gauge with some chore-boy. we always had good happy experiences, and when we ran out of crack and started to crash we would just smoke a couple joints and drink some liqour. after about 45min I would feel better, without the desire to do any more crack. so crack is possible to control.

About a year later I was living in downstate wisconsin. this is when I started to experience a problem with crack. I met these straight-up crack dealers at my job, and they would deliver pretty rapidly to any part of town. I started calling them up weekly for maybe $100-$150 worth. pretty soon though I found myself smoking more and more of it. I remember one night in particular I spent $300-$400 dollars and was just tweaking out of my head. this was 3 months ago, and it is the last time I ever touched crack. well actually there was one more time after that. anyhow that night I was putting such big chunks of crack in my pipe that I could hit it at LEAST six times and still get a huge lungful each time. sounds good but I did not enjoy myself at all, I kept pacing around all paranoid staring out my door watching moving shadows.

I was pretty delusional, my heart was pounding and I kept thinking that every shadow was somebody spying on me in the bushes. I thought they were going to tell on me to the cops. I tell you, I did this for hours. standing by my door (sometimes even venturing outside, god knows why), hitting the pipe and looking around paranoid. thats about it. it sucked, but I still couldnt stop. I have smoked with people who keep looking under the bed (for dead bodies), in the bathroom... quite a buzzkill.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50109
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2007Views: 12,772
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Crack (82) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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