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Focus, Anti-Stress
Rhodiola rosea
Citation:   In Sight. "Focus, Anti-Stress: An Experience with Rhodiola rosea (exp50331)". Erowid.org. Jul 19, 2007. erowid.org/exp/50331

  repeated oral Rhodiola rosea
I have taken 1000mg of rose root several times before, and it's great, so figured I'd take 2000mg. I got the typical safety-feeling and the coffee-like stimuli. It's a little different though. It doesn't tense you up like coffee may do. It makes you feel safe, totally comfortable, with great mood-lift and with an urge to have fun and just do something!

(5feb. 2006)Day 1:

20:00 PM: Had just popped 1000mg. Started to feel it in 15 minutes. I went down to my room and finally realized how messy it was, typical teen-ager room, so I cleaned it all up AND took out all my sweaters and tee's and put them back in perfect order. All the while I watched the movie 8Mile. After that(21:30) I wrote a song, which was really cool. I was finished by 2AM. Even though, I had difficulty sleeping.

(6feb. 2006)Day 2:

Took 2000mg at school. I managed to focuse much better, without feeling as tense as I sometimes do with coffee. School finished at 11:30 today. I went home and cleaned the kitchen! Not typical for me, but it's all good I guess. :P

19:30 I dropped 2000mg more to have some extra energy during my soccer exercise. This worked very well! I manage to push myself further and FOR THE FIRST TIME I have managed to understand almost everything our irish coach who doesn't speak Norwegian very well, said. If I could be this focused every day I might get better grades, more chicks and stuff too!

20:00 Feel a little tense, but nothing big. Disappairs after some running.

This herb is great for energy, libido-increase* use as an anti-depressant and just plain confidence-, health- and mood-enchancer.
*(I didn't mention that I masturbated 3times both days!)

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50331
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2007Views: 24,807
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