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A Moving Reflection Made of Stone
Citation:   roman k. "A Moving Reflection Made of Stone: An Experience with Ketamine (exp50346)". Erowid.org. Aug 3, 2018. erowid.org/exp/50346

  IM Ketamine (liquid)
    repeated IV Ketamine (liquid)
Roman k

The first time I used was intramuscular and the effect came with a warm wave inside my body, pretty confortable. But when I decided shoot intravenous everything was different, I could feel the warm coming from my arm in to my brain. My body got loose inmediatly, my sourround changed completly, the dimensions wheren`t 'the traditional ones' and the noise of the running fang increased. With the open eyes I could see myself like in a mirror but in the sealing made of rock. So There I was, in a moving reflection made of stone. I was trying to restablish my logic but I couldnīt, until I decided to forget the rules of the gravity. So I lay down and I close my eyes. The closed eyes trip its really different than the opened eyes.

When I closed my eyes I didn't feel the weight of my body, so I could move free, whereever I wanted to; goin'g up, goin'g down, without the restrictions of gravity or body. Afterwards; I entered to tunnel, my thoughts where the background...
The effect started to fade away, so why not another shot. I shot another full insulin and I went again. This time I left my eyes half-opened and with my hands I was creating rooms, I remember a red room (lounge style), it was the red of my blood that I saw because of the light passing through my hand. The dimensions were complicated; I could saw a red room and even going inside of it , and the room was the size of my hand. You really don`t need your body!.

The end of 1st k-day (fisrt experience)

The 2nd k-day was more intense, my friends and I took k in my house. This time we passed to the main course (IV).

The knock out came inmeditalty, but this time I was a little bit more confident about it. This time I went to a dark room, just for a little while, I barely could walk but I made it, I laid down in the bed and I close my eyes, this time a dark character appear, her name was zulema 'the purple' She had the purple skin, next to her was her bodyguard or something like that, it was a pale being with prominant teeth, and when I wanted to approach to her this pale being chattered the teeth really strong and fast. She told me telepathik via, 'to many eyes are watching'. I opened my eyes in that moment, it wasnīt threatening, it was more interesting and thrilling. I went to see my friends and this time I could walk better. We started to paint in the walls of the house, each in a corner. The ending was the most bizarre experience and 4 cats painted in the wall.

After that day I took one more bottle (iv)... Actually was for humans, pretty rare. I guess in my country still has human pourposes, but the liquid was the half potent.

Roman k

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 50346
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2018Views: 1,100
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Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Multi-Day Experience (13), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), General (1)

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