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High School Dance
MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis
Citation:   Ecstasy. "High School Dance: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis (exp50421)". Apr 20, 2008.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:15 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was the day of my high school's homecoming dance and five friends and I decided we were going to do E. We bought 8 red shields. That night, we would all be dosing 1.5 accept a newcomer who would be taking .5. The dance started at 8, we dosed one pill at 7:50pm. We didn't know what was in the pills we got, so we decided to take one, and then take .5 once we could feel it out for a while. We got in the doors by 8:20, and though I wasn't feeling high yet, I just had this great attitude going in. I had done E once, the month before, and was excited to do it again. It takes a long time for it to kick in for me so I knew I wasn't feeling anything yet, but the excitement of what was about to come was enough to get me really pumped.

About 50 minutes after taking my first pill of the night, I got this odd sensation when I did a certain dance move. I dipped down almost to the ground and stood up really quickly, and I felt this great, tingly feeling rush through my body. But then I went back to being sober. I remember seeing this beautiful new girl, who I was very attracted to and wanted to dance with. At this point, I popped my pill about an hour and twenty minutes ago (it was 9:10pm), I wasn't rolling hard yet, but I was feeling really confident and I went up to her, introduced myself, and danced with her for a while. It was the most fun I'd ever had dancing with someone up until that point.

I was done dancing with her by 9:15 (An hour and a half after popping my pill) and the DJ started giving the dance floor crap, provided by our principle, about us dancing too inappropriately. He switched the mood from hard grinding rap music to techno. The song 'Sandstorm' began to play. I was feeling really good at this point, I knew I was going to be rolling like crazy, but I was still about 75% sober. My friends who were rolling and I joined a circle pit, and as the song was in its quiet mode, my friend Robbie, with all his ecstasy confidence, nailed a front flip on the dance floor. The song started to kick in and my friend Brendon and I jumped in and started going insane.

The song ended by 9:20 and I made my way outside. I was feeling the pill about 40% at this point. I saw two of my female friends, put my arms around them, and told them they were my best friends (jokingly, but partially just because ecstasy makes you realize who all the great people in your life are), and we went to take a picture of the leadership class. The photo ended up with me being the focal point, putting on the classic E face, and no one knew except me and my friends, hahaha!

I left the picture scene by 9:40 (An hour and fifty minutes after the first pill) and saw my friends standing outside the bathroom ready to pop the second half-pill. We knew we'd be feeling it hard anyway, but we could tell these were clean pills and were ready to have an insane night. We went in the bathroom and took the second half. Upon swallowing it, we heard the song, the Thizzle Dance, coming from the gym. For those of you reading this outside of the Bay Area in California, the Thizzle Dance is a song by the Bay Area rapper, Mac Dre, who invented the word Thizzing, which means to be on E. I ran in and started going nuts!

It was 10pm and I see my friend Robbie sitting on the bleachers looking really overwhelmed. I went to sit with him to see if he was okay. He said yeah but that he felt crazy. Suddenly, I felt my E kick in REALLY hard. I felt really warm and tingly all over my body and wasn't expecting the feeling, I didn't get it on my first roll. I looked at Robbie and asked if it was hitting him too hard, he said yes. I agreed and said that I needed to go outside. But the SECOND I stood up, I just felt pure ecstasy, and I realized that I only felt weird because it started peaking while I was sitting down, I needed to be standing up. I went outside to get a drink of water, saw my two friends, and one of them looked at me and said 'You are ROLLING!' I went into the bathroom to look at my eyes. The pupils were massive, black abysses surrounded by .5mm irises. I felt amazingly good.

I ran back onto the dance floor and started dancing with every pretty girl I could find. I realized that when I was dancing, I didn't even notice how hard I was rolling. I just went into this dancing trance and just let my body do whatever felt right. I felt extremely confident, I felt amazing all over my body, every girl looked so hot, and I was dancing with more skill and intensity than I ever had in my life. My first experience on E was in some ways better because I didn't know what to expect, but at the dance I was rolling MUCH harder, for MUCH longer, and was having just as good of a time, no question about it. They shut the dance down early because ten of the seniors got caught drunk. I was pissed, but at the same time I didn't care. I ran and found my friend Greg who was also rolling, and we both said 'Let's go have the fattest session of our lives!' We made our way to the parking lot, when Greg's brother called him. At that moment, I realized that I had never told my sister that I loved her to her face. I ran out of his car, found her, told her I loved her, gave her a hug, and ran back to Greg's car.

All my friends who were rolling and I met up at one of our favorite weed smoking spots and started to smoke. We were up there smoking for a good hour and a half. We bonded with each other like no other that night. Greg and Robbie went into a porta-potty to hot box it, and came to the conclusion that they needed to hang out more because we'd all be leaving for college in less than a year.

The night ended up back at Greg's house, with his mom walking in on us while we were smoking weed on the side yard. For some reason she didn't care, drove some friends home, and I walked back to my house. I went to sleep seeing really cool closed eye visual patterns. I woke up two hours later to go to work, still feeling the E. Later that day I met up with the same friends, had a fat session of weed, it brought back our roll a lot, and was a great way to sum up the weekend.

I started coming up on the E by 9pm, peaked by 10pm, started coming down at 3 in the morning, and it didn't completely wear off until noon the next day. It was one of the best nights of my life.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50421
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2008Views: 11,970
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Large Group (10+) (19)

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