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The Runny Nose From Hell
Citation:   heroin hell!. "The Runny Nose From Hell: An Experience with Heroin (exp50432)". Jun 21, 2021.

  repeated insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
I have heard about runny nose issues with coke, but not many with heroin, or at least not to the extent that I expirenced. I have done heroin many many times. However, after continuous use my nose became so stuffed and runny, that I couldnt stand to do heroin ever again. Yes heroin, a drug with a wonderful efffect and thought of as soo addictive. My runny nose problems were sooo bad that I wont do heroin again.

One bad occurrence was from continuous use of many small lines a day, about one small thin line every 2-3 hours for about 1 month. I could understand how from such consistent use that I would have a runny nose problem. But after I stopped using heroin it still continued. It was horrible. Around my nose(on the outside) would bleed, from being so chapped because of having to blow my nose so much. It made the inside so sore. And some mornings it was sooo blocked I had to breathe hot steamed water (from my mouth of course since I couldn't breathe from my nose). The hot water steam was so hot my face would begin to sweat, but it didn't even begin to unclog my nose and sinus area. It was so bad, and I had been off of heroin for at least 3 weeks. It finally went away VERY SLOWLY- EXTREMELY GRADUAL. It was like having the worst allergies attack ever and it lasting a month of more.

Well, I thought maybe it couldn't of been just the heroin, maybe it was something in the air, like allergies or something, it was so bad. So after being ok for a month I tried heroin again. This time just 2 or 3 small lines total in one day. Well I woke up and it started all over again. My nose doesn't stop running, I stopped using the heroin, its been 2 weeks without it,its still there but slowly getting better.

I LOVE drugs for recreational purposes. I have done practically every widely available drug out there. But I dont think I can ever do heroin again. The runny, stuffy nose is worse than any cold, or flu runny nose I have ever had. At many points it was so stuffed and congested that it couldn't drip or run, and the steam couldn't even melt it. When the congestion/mucus came out it was almost hard it was so bad! And my whole sinus area hurt like the worst migraine I ever had.

When I first started using heroin this didn't happen but after a year of sporadical use this began and happens every time. So no more heroin for me! It's not worth it.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50432
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2021Views: 852
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Heroin (27) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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