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Took My Brain and Drop Kicked It
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
by Fed
Citation:   Fed. "Took My Brain and Drop Kicked It: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp5050)". Jan 11, 2002.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
After about 20 solid visits to Salvia World (as I call it) I feel like I should report on my experiences. I have tried many different compounds, some psychedelic (weed, acid, lsa, K), some 'body' drugs (speed, coke, X), but salvia is the only one that I can say took my brain and drop kicked it.

Ever time I smoke salvia I use the 5x extract. One to two hits is all I need. I never experience other worlds when on salvia. I don't black out or lose consciousness even though what I do see/hear/feel is hard to believe. I always get excited before that first hit, usually a large bowlfull/bongfull of the 'shaky' 5x. Taking in the hot somewhat harsh smoke is not as bad as holding in the huge lungful. As it sits in my lungs, I think that breathing is almost an option, the effects begin before I let it out.

Each time I feel like the experience is bringing me back to a world like the last time I smoked the plant. The tingly feeling all over my body, the pretty nasty taste of salvia smoke in my mouth, and mostly the bizarre experience that follows.

My consciousness dissolves within seconds. I feel like I’m part of a 'salvia pattern.' This 'pattern' rules all my senses. Everything I see comes together in a circle that doesn't like to be disrupted. If my eyes are open, the 'real' world is incorporated in the pulsating pattern of salvia world. Tactile sensations, like a wave of energy, slap my body and pulse through it with each reverberation. Words can't describe how the pattern feels (zat, zat, zat, zat, zat....) and the visionary aspect is indescribable. What brain function I have believes that my entire existance belongs to the pattern, the pattern doesn't go well with movement or speach (which comes out kinda maniacally.) As far as I can describe, it feels like the world is composed of pieces like paddles on a pin ball machine, all falling into prespecified places over and over and over. The pattern seems to be a circle linking me to anything around: friends, doors, walls, couches. Everything falls into the pattern which keeps repeating itself many times in each instant.
In the middle of the pattern is a 'zone' in salvia world around which the pattern isn't a part of, but the pattern revolves around it. The edges of the perpetual pattern (the edges encompass most of my body along with anything else around) that touch the 'zone' are what feel the energy waves. Usually my field of vision seems to be repeated in chunks to go along with the nature of the salvia pattern and the mid zone.

My consciousness sometimes rebels agains the insanity that it is experiencing, this can be difficult. If I’m not in a situation where I can just go with it and enjoy the ride through salvia world, I feel uncomfortable and physically distressed. I cannot break out of the pattern. Making sure someone else is in charge of putting away the bong or pipe is a good step. Also, letting friends know that bothering me while this is happening is not cool at all.

After what feels like eternity, usually around 5-10 minutes have passed and the salva pattern has broken up enough to let movement and somewhat normal though to come through I usually get up and try and relate what happened to anyone around. An altered feeling persists for about another 1/2 hour. Nitrous is also useful at the tail end to revive and prolong the pattern. It’s hard to move or focus on a normal though (like picking up the whippet) when in the throes of the pattern, but it can be done with interesting effects.

I enjoy my journeys to salvia land, but I tend to use a large amount of extract each time. A 1 gram bottle which is supposed to last 13 uses is almost finished after 3 or 4 trips. Salvia is NOT a party drug at all. If you're not in a familiar environment the pattern can throw you into a frightening world where you may believe you have and will exist through eternity. Keep it to sporadic uses as well. One time I went through 2 grams of 5x in 3 days. The first 3 uses were full on voyages to the pattern, but subsequently (especially on the second day) I could smoke as much as I wanted but with minimal to no effect at all. One good trip to salvia land every week or two seems to keep the effect maximized.

The only thing that comes close are my high I.m. dose K trips, but they are easier for me to handle than salvia. Anyone who claims salvia is bunk hasn't used the right product or isn't reaching breakthrough levels, but this is definitely a REAL drug and shouldn’t be taken lightly especially because it is legal.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 6,538
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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