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Breaking Through Perpetual Dimensions
Salvia divinorum (20X Extract)
Citation:   Armaros. "Breaking Through Perpetual Dimensions: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) (exp50505)". Mar 26, 2018.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
Salvia Divinorum is by far the most intense psychoactive to date in which I have tried. Although its psychoactive chemical - Salvinorum A - is not as potent as lets say LSD-25, the expierance itself is what I would describe as in one word 'intense'. Although I have yet to try DMT, the most powerful psychoactive there is, from what I have read and heard first hand about its effects they are very similar to Salvinorum-A. My expierance it self was with Salvia Divinorum 20x(extract). Seriously, all I need is ONE hit (smoked). It hits me within 2 mins usually in about 45 seconds. I was able to get in two hits before the effects over powered me.

I will describe first what it looked like to my friend who was watching me sober. He said about 10 seconds after my second hit I all of a sudden laughed and shot all the smoke out of my lungs. At that point I was laughing uncontrollably and I fell over on my back. My friend got me to sit upright and noticed I was drooling, alot. I was making strange motions with my hands and uttering gibberish in a child like laughter.

What I saw in my trip was extremely hard to explain. It appeared as though I was trapped inside some kind of enourmous box. The only thing I could compare the color and texture to was a plastic blue lunch box. There was one creature inside with me, its is extemely hard to describe. Its shape was a cross between a bowling pin and a slice of pie, it was a type of yellow I believe only possible to see on salvia. It would keep getting close and closer faster and faster and I would go through it. Not like a ghost and not like breaking through it. It was kind of like I was trying to escape something and it was almost designed for me to pass through like some kind of curtain. When I reached the other side through it I found my self to be in the same place with an identical creature in front of me. I again tried to pass through this one and ended up in another identical situation. This continued for what seemed like hours. The movement throught the creature was fast and with meany tactile sensations. I felt as though I could feel it all over my body as I passed though it. It reminded me of cloth of cotton or something. I felt a sensation of liquid on me as well, I believe that I was just able to feel the drool dripping down my chin though. I had no coherent connection to the real world around me.

My friend said he tried to talk to me but I only said gibberish and spat saliva everywhere. Overall it was quite enjoyable in my opinion but for some people It would probably be to intense to be enjoyable. I wasn't even in contact with my surroundings.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50505
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2018Views: 776
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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