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Almost Over the Cliff
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Krizzel. "Almost Over the Cliff: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp50552)". Feb 13, 2018.

2 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)

Ive used Marijuana, Alcohol, Salvia Divinorum, and most recently Nitrous. Nitrous is a completely different experience.

Due to the city ordinances of my home town, a business could sell the chargers but could not sell a smaller cracker. The city saw the sell of the 'Hand crackers' to be souly for the abuse of nitrous oxide. So my friend and I were posed with the problem of getting the Nitrous out of the canister and into a balloon. After much searching I was able to find some old plans for a PVC cracker. We went to our local Lowe's and bought $5.14 in materials.

The next day our cracker was assembled and the adheasives were dry. It was time to give this nitrous thing a shot. We didnt partake in any other recreational subtances. As we filled the first balloon we were nervous as to how the seal on the PVC would hold, we know if it broke our hands would surely freeze, no good. To our suprise the cracker worked wonderfully. I decided to take the first balloon. I finished the entire balloon in two breaths a few seconds later my world was confused. I really didnt know what was happening though I didnt hate what was happening either. My head was spinning with the room, my hearing became very metallic, and soon after giggles emerged out of my body. Things looked a little differently, and almost dreamlike state. A bit of euphroia continued for the next two minutes or so.

After the next few minutes almost all effects were faded away. I didnt feel a headache or any body slurs afterwards. I would imagine this experience would be much different after using Marijuana or Alcohol. I have yet to try out the synergetic effects with nitrous but im sure it would be a swell time.

Sence this experience two weeks ago I havent had any strong desire to do it again, but I wouldnt pass it up given the opportunity.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 50552
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2018Views: 1,135
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