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Preliminary Reconnaisance
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   Gazza. "Preliminary Reconnaisance: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp50718)". Dec 6, 2006.

25 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (ground / crushed)
Subjects condition:

Subject 1: Took it very easy on the beer and smokes last night so relatively good. Slightly 'just got up' feeling if anything.

Subject 2: Mild Headache and slightly unsettled stomach.

Time - 13:00


We’ve just measured out 25gms each of Peruvian Torch powder. It looks like a lot of powder to eat… We’re going to try taking spoonfuls then chasing with water/blackcurrant squash.


After a failed attempt at consuming teaspoons full of the powder, the biggest problem with which was avoidance of inhalation of the fine dust, subject 2 hit upon the idea of form the powder into a paste, then consuming small amounts of the paste followed by water. This method was successful. So far. We now await a sign.

T+1hr 30mins

Both subjects report feeling slightly altered. Vision slightly altered though nothing definitive. Confident that the initial effects are being felt. Stomach feeling a little uncomfortable though nothing unbearable. More waves of suggestion whilst writing this.

T+2hr 10mins

Both in good spirits though no significant progress. I feel some MDMA like effects – constant grin (especially when watching Bill Hicks), nervous excitement, the yawns.

T+2hr 55mins

No change – Slight MDMA like effects thought nothing spectacular. Going for a walk to the shops.

T+3hrs 30min

Pleasant walk on a beautifully bright winters day. Slightly heightened awareness of colours and happily content with life.


Both feeling minor buzz but not tripping per se. Having a joint to see what happens. All cool though and still enjoying the day.

T+15hrs 20mins

Going to bed now after a fair few joints, and a few beers. Still quite up but don’t want to have to write off tomorrow totally. All in all a very pleasant day, akin to taking ˝ an MDMA pill which lasts for 15 hours (pretty cool!). Will try upping the dose to 40 – 50 gms next time.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2006Views: 5,993
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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