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Too Small a Dose
Codeine w/Acetaminophen & Alcohol
Citation:   Empty. "Too Small a Dose: An Experience with Codeine w/Acetaminophen & Alcohol (exp50807)". Sep 5, 2007.

120 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  1200 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
Mindset: sort of hungry, reaching the point where you're so hungry the feeling starts to go away. Very anxious of the experience. Hoping for a full blown codeine experience, although concerned about my small doseage.

T: 0:05 ingested 4 Tylonal 3 I believe it contained 30mg codine and 300mg acetaminophen. 120mg codeine total, 1200mg acetaminophen. I literally have only ate a hotdog today, and that was over 3 hours ago. Was going to eat before taking the codeine, but I figured on an empty stomache I may feel harder effects since I only had 4 pills, obtained from a friend who recently got his braces put on.

T: O:15 wrapping up conversation with girlfriend, getting ready to go relax in bed or on the couch. Already have playlist of A Perfect Circle/Mozart set up. Hoping for a good experience. My head's starting to feel a little bit foggy. Hrmm. Skin is starting to feel a little bit warm. Going to turn the lights off and lay in bed.

T: 0:45 music sounds very good. Especially classical. Mozart blew me away. I layed in bed with all lights off, just letting my mind wonder. Sort of hoping I'm not peaking yet, wish I would have had more. I certainly feel good, but I doubt this is everything codeine can treat you to. While laying in bed had a small, interesting experience. I could feel my heart beating a little bit harder and more rapidly. Each beat seemed to push me a little deeper in my mattress. Was neat while lasted, although shortlived.

T: 0:55 going to go drink a beer, hopefully heighten the effects.

T: 1:00 Sat around reading experiences for the last 15 minutes. Almost finished with my beer (bottled coors) which usually gives me a slight buzz. Feeling pretty disappointed about this time. I think I peaked out while laying in bed, which was decent, but I've had much better. I know codeine can be a very fun drug. Had some liquid not too long ago and it was very very nice, just wish I could have stayed awake for the whole experience.

Hoping to get a few more pills from my friend. Maybe twice the amount I took this time. At least enough to hit 200mg of codeine. Also plan on extracting it if I have some to spare through the extraction process. In the future, if I don't have enough to hit at least 200mg, I won't bother, save it until I can scrape up a few more pills, or have some other drugs to mix it with. Demerol gives a much better experience in smaller doses. Keep in mind I did this on a completely empty stomache, and have rather little body fat.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50807
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 5, 2007Views: 17,642
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Codeine (14) : General (1), Alone (16)

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