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Dreams with Visions
Damiana & Mugwort
Citation:   Colleen. "Dreams with Visions: An Experience with Damiana & Mugwort (exp50820)". Apr 19, 2006.

0.5 bowls smoked Mugwort
  0.5 bowls smoked Damiana
I love to meditate, even before I knew what I was doing was meditation. In my more insane days of drug use, LSD use to get me to an altered state, in which I could only decribe now (10 years later) as a deep meditative state. Possible OBE or even astral projection. Probaly all happened at one point.

My point for this experience though, was not LSD, but a legal herb. Two to be exact. They are damiana and mugwort. Damiana is considered to be an aphrodisiac, and stimulant. Mugwort is a dream herb and great for lucid dreaming and meditation.

I decided to smoke both together, because I have done so in the past, and have always liked the effect. I will tell you why. Damiana makes me tingly, but not sexual. Although on those rare moments I have found myself to get frisky with damiana in my system. So my point is that I take the damiana to feel soft and tingly. Now, mugwort has almost an opposite effect. My eyes get heavy and I tend to drift off and space out. Not in a bad way, but in an introspective, reflective, spiritual space out. Which is why I meditate while taking mugwort.

I meditated last night with both of them. It was a wonderful experience. I vibrated to the energy of the universe, and for a moment (the infinite now) I was ego-less... I was pure energy.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50820
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2006Views: 25,061
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Damiana (107), Mugwort (292), Meditation (128) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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