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Methlomaniac Ninja
Citation:   darius. "Methlomaniac Ninja: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp50938)". Feb 17, 2018.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I got some pure very clear ice, poured about 4/10th's out of a little 100mg baggie and formed a line with my knife. I cut a Wendy's straw in half and snorted the powder residue off the knife with the straw and proceeded to my line. The first line was about 20mg. That shit got sucked up in the straw fast as hell as I held it about a half centimeter over this crystally substance. Immediately I felt intense burning in my upper nose. It lasted for a good 30 seconds. It wasn't super bad, but worse than snorting Ambien, which is pretty bad too. I my right side of my face was tearing up and I dropped quite a few tears. Then I have this bitter aftertaste running down the back of my throat. My right nostril felt so damn clear and amazing, why leave his western brother out of all this fun? So I did a smaller line to finish the 40mg with my left nostril. Same burn, but not as bad in a way. Didn't tear up as much. 10 minutes after and I am moving at the speed of light. I hopped up and went to the kitchen from my room for a Diet Dr.Pepper and my mom got spooked cause she said I ran up so fast when I seriously thought I was walking hahaa. I went into my room, turned up the music and started acting like a Methlomaniac Ninja, shawdowboxing all over the place, throwing punches like in Street Fighter and throwing high kicks like a Muay Thai champ. I felt if I were to fight anyone right now I would severely kill them instantly with my brute force, muscle (I use AAS), and insanity, and even if I died fighting, it wouldn't matter cause maybe I deserved it for being weaker. I am typing this an hour or so into the high (not much euphoria) but I feel fast as hell. I am typing super fast that my hands are hurting from the muscle 'pump' of being on cycle. Tomorrow I'm gonna snort up 60mg before I go out drinking a bunch of Jager and vodka with buddies. Hell yeah.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50938
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 1,274
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Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Alone (16)

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