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Citation:   BongBuddha. "Sensitive: An Experience with Cannabis (exp5101)". Jan 11, 2002.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I've been a moderate to heavy cheeva-choker for the past several months, and I seem to be more succeptible to the wonder weed's psychedelic effects than the average person. (If anything, my sensitivity to pot has increased since I began using it.) I often have hallucinations of a sort- although the visual 'hallucinations' are more like daydreams of such extreme potency that i actually see them overlaying reality. Yesterday, though, I had an experience which blew all previous highs away- and without a particularly large amount.

My friend and I were smoking up in the park with my beautiful technicolor bowl Kate. My mental state at the time is important- I had just previously gotten out of a state of extreme frustration and tension and had begun to release the pressure in a strange, aggressive torrent of energy. It was a Friday and I was finally feeling more or less relaxed and in a state of total abandon.

The hydro took effect MUCH faster than usual- mere seconds after the first toke. The characteristic hot-and-cold pins-and-needles feeling (yum) was especially intense. My friend and I began to wander aimlessly through the park and I took it upon myself to make him giggle inanely. Then a strange thing happened...

My vision isn't fantastic, and weed usually makes it more distorted than usual. But I saw, for a moment, a tree with INTENSE clarity. As I continued walking, the episodes became more and more frequent- I would see the grass or trees with a kind of pure pristine vision, and the color enhancement would be MUCH greater than that of a normal buzz... the greenness of the grass would become so overwhelming and so full of light and life that it was literally blinding. I had a powerful clear feeling during each of these occurences, which faded in and out in rhythm, that I was seeing the real world, as if reality were in a dimension slightly askew from our own and i was being granted the opportunity to gaze into it. The body buzz built, and the electric currents I felt moving through my torso became more powerful, until during each moment of superbright illumination it felt like I was being struck by lightning, and I felt shocks of extremely intense, almost sexual pleasure. (I realize that a near-orgasmic experience on a drug as mild as pot seems extremely bizarre. This was NOT a normal high.)

My friend and I also experienced a kind of telepathy greater than what we normally see on weed, and as we talked pseudo-buddhist philosophy (as we normally do when high, when not making fart jokes and giggling like morons) I KNEW the next word he was going to say before he was going to say it.

I don't know what to say in conclusion, except that the way a drug effects me is based on my mindset at the time, a fact which is all too frequently overlooked.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5101
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 13,635
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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